6drf21e / ChatTTS_colab

🚀 一键部署(含离线整合包)!基于 ChatTTS ,支持流式输出、音色抽卡、长音频生成和分角色朗读。简单易用,无需复杂安装。

Date Created 2024-05-30 (6 months ago)
Commits 64 (last one 5 months ago)
Stargazers 2,162 (4 this week)
Watchers 20 (0 this week)
Forks 272
License unknown

RepositoryStats indexes 595,890 repositories, of these 6drf21e/ChatTTS_colab is ranked #23,864 (96th percentile) for total stargazers, and #111,201 for total watchers. Github reports the primary language for this repository as Python, for repositories using this language it is ranked #3,663/119,419.

6drf21e/ChatTTS_colab is also tagged with popular topics, for these it's ranked: text-to-speech (#36/411)

Other Information

6drf21e/ChatTTS_colab has 1 open pull request on Github, 10 pull requests have been merged over the lifetime of the repository.

Github issues are enabled, there are 68 open issues and 23 closed issues.

There have been 3 releases, the latest one was published on 2024-06-21 (6 months ago)

Star History

Github stargazers over time

Watcher History

Github watchers over time, collection started in '23

Recent Commit History

64 commits on the default branch (main) since jan '22

Yearly Commits

Commits to the default branch (main) per year

Issue History


The primary language is Python but there's also others...

updated: 2024-12-20 @ 10:27am, id: 807935108 / R_kgDOMCgchA