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- CSS Frameworks twbs/bootstrap vs. tailwindlabs/tailwindcss vs. semantic-org/semantic-ui vs. jgthms/bulma vs. dogfalo/materialize
- Javascript Frameworks vuejs/vue vs. vuejs/core vs. facebook/react vs. sveltejs/svelte vs. angular/angular vs. jquery/jquery
- Static Site Generators jekyll/jekyll vs. gohugoio/hugo vs. gatsbyjs/gatsby vs. hexojs/hexo
- Programming Languages golang/go vs. rust-lang/rust vs. microsoft/typescript vs. ruby/ruby vs. jetbrains/kotlin vs. apple/swift vs. julialang/julia vs. vlang/v
- Javascript Bundlers webpack/webpack vs. parcel-bundler/parcel vs. rollup/rollup
- PHP Frameworks laravel/laravel vs. yiisoft/yii2 vs. symfony/symfony vs. bcit-ci/codeigniter vs. cakephp/cakephp vs. slimphp/slim
- Document Databases mongodb/mongo vs. ravendb/ravendb vs. surrealdb/surrealdb vs. orientechnologies/orientdb
- EF Core Providers PomeloFoundation/Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql vs. npgsql/
- Markdown Editors laurent22/joplin vs. marktext/marktext vs. purocean/yn
- Browser Automation Frameworks microsoft/playwright vs. puppeteer/puppeteer vs. seleniumhq/selenium vs. cypress-io/cypress
- Text Editors microsoft/vscode vs. vim/vim vs. notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus vs. adobe/brackets
- Icon Sets fortawesome/font-awesome vs. google/material-design-icons vs. feathericons/feather vs. twbs/icons vs. coreui/coreui-icons