ad-freiburg / qlever
Very fast SPARQL Engine, which can handle very large knowledge graphs like the complete Wikidata, offers context-sensitive autocompletion for SPARQL queries, and allows combination with text search. It's faster than engines like Blazegraph or Virtuoso, especially for queries involving large result sets.
RepositoryStats indexes 584,353 repositories, of these ad-freiburg/qlever is ranked #102,905 (82nd percentile) for total stargazers, and #110,534 for total watchers. Github reports the primary language for this repository as C++, for repositories using this language it is ranked #5,688/31,270.
ad-freiburg/qlever has 37 open pull requests on Github, 1,008 pull requests have been merged over the lifetime of the repository.
Github issues are enabled, there are 97 open issues and 305 closed issues.
Star History
Github stargazers over time
Watcher History
Github watchers over time, collection started in '23
Recent Commit History
698 commits on the default branch (master) since jan '22
Yearly Commits
Commits to the default branch (master) per year
Issue History
The primary language is C++ but there's also others...
updated: 2024-11-20 @ 05:21pm, id: 27594187 / R_kgDOAaUNyw