AweiLoveAndroid / The-pit-of-the-Android-Studio

:octocat: :+1: :thumbsup: :clap: :star2: :star: :star: Everything about the Android Studio and Intellij IDEAfor example:Install,common problems and solutions,each libraries for android and androidx library,code and peoject templates,etc.全面总结Android Studio以及Intellij IDEA的填坑指南,详解AS版本号、Gradle版本、BuildTools三者的对照关系,AS模板配置,gradle插件,Android自带注解库详解,support详解等干货。

Date Created 2017-10-04 (7 years ago)
Commits 86 (last one 2 years ago)
Stargazers 386 (0 this week)
Watchers 15 (0 this week)
Forks 65
License apache-2.0

RepositoryStats indexes 595,890 repositories, of these AweiLoveAndroid/The-pit-of-the-Android-Studio is ranked #111,024 (81st percentile) for total stargazers, and #146,489 for total watchers. Github reports the primary language for this repository as FreeMarker, for repositories using this language it is ranked #7/33.

AweiLoveAndroid/The-pit-of-the-Android-Studio is also tagged with popular topics, for these it's ranked: android (#3,174/9717),  gradle (#143/517),  android-development (#91/257),  android-studio (#53/213)

Star History

Github stargazers over time

Watcher History

Github watchers over time, collection started in '23

Recent Commit History

2 commits on the default branch (master) since jan '22

Yearly Commits

Commits to the default branch (master) per year

Issue History


The only known language in this repository is FreeMarker

updated: 2024-11-29 @ 11:40pm, id: 105727550 / R_kgDOBk1GPg