Azure-Samples / todo-python-mongo-swa-func
A blueprint for getting a React.js web app with Python (FastAPI) API and a MongoDB API in Cosmos database onto Azure. The frontend, currently a ToDo application, is designed as a placeholder that can easily be removed and replaced with your own frontend code. This architecture is for hosting static web apps with serverless logic and functionality.
RepositoryStats indexes 584,777 repositories, of these Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo-swa-func is ranked #527,646 (10th percentile) for total stargazers, and #45,764 for total watchers. Github reports the primary language for this repository as Bicep, for repositories using this language it is ranked #108/141.
Azure-Samples/todo-python-mongo-swa-func has 1 open pull request on Github, 0 pull requests have been merged over the lifetime of the repository.
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Watcher History
Github watchers over time, collection started in '23
Recent Commit History
42 commits on the default branch (main) since jan '22
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The primary language is Bicep but there's also others...
updated: 2024-11-16 @ 05:47pm, id: 498930203 / R_kgDOHb0SGw