githubXiaowangzi / NP-Manager

Apk控制流混淆;Apk-Dex2C;Res资源混淆;Dex、jar、smali文件的相互转换; Dex、Pdf文件合并; Apk、dex、jar混淆和字符串加密; Apk签名、共存; Res资源混淆; Dex、AXML、ARSC文件编辑及翻译;字符串加密(Apk、dex); 一键添加Xposed检测,一键添加弹窗、对话框; axml反编译/回编译; 一键LOG添加; 一键添加字符串解密LOG,Dex文件换包名; 一键添加禁止截屏,一键添加Apk崩溃日志记录; Apk超级混淆3.0--高效率直接对dex混淆,支持混淆四大组件,支持多dex; Apk功能--DEX混淆对抗;屏幕取色器;屏幕标尺。

Date Created 2019-12-08 (5 years ago)
Commits 90 (last one about a month ago)
Stargazers 1,089 (6 this week)
Watchers 18 (0 this week)
Forks 80
License unknown

RepositoryStats indexes 595,856 repositories, of these githubXiaowangzi/NP-Manager is ranked #47,582 (92nd percentile) for total stargazers, and #123,334 for total watchers.

githubXiaowangzi/NP-Manager is also tagged with popular topics, for these it's ranked: apk (#42/222),  vm (#32/167),  obfuscator (#11/145)

Other Information

githubXiaowangzi/NP-Manager has Github issues enabled, there are 4 open issues and 14 closed issues.

Star History

Github stargazers over time

Watcher History

Github watchers over time, collection started in '23

Recent Commit History

81 commits on the default branch (master) since jan '22

Yearly Commits

Commits to the default branch (master) per year

Issue History


We don't have any language data for this repository

It's a mystery

updated: 2024-12-22 @ 01:30am, id: 226617703 / R_kgDODYHpZw