nageoffer / shortlink

🔥 热门推荐 🔥 SaaS 短链接系统,承载高并发和海量存储等场景难题。专为实习、校招以及社招而出的最新项目,项目质量不亚于 12306 铁路购票项目。

Date Created 2023-11-19 (about a year ago)
Commits 244 (last one about a month ago)
Stargazers 493 (4 this week)
Watchers 1 (0 this week)
Forks 56
License apache-2.0

RepositoryStats indexes 589,134 repositories, of these nageoffer/shortlink is ranked #91,960 (84th percentile) for total stargazers, and #539,476 for total watchers. Github reports the primary language for this repository as Java, for repositories using this language it is ranked #6,004/28,373.

nageoffer/shortlink is also tagged with popular topics, for these it's ranked: redis (#474/1710),  springcloud (#57/166)

Other Information

nageoffer/shortlink has Github issues enabled, there are 2 open issues and 1 closed issue.

Homepage URL:

Star History

Github stargazers over time

Watcher History

Github watchers over time, collection started in '23

Recent Commit History

244 commits on the default branch (main) since jan '22

Yearly Commits

Commits to the default branch (main) per year

Issue History


The primary language is Java but there's also others...

updated: 2024-12-03 @ 09:59am, id: 720791296 / R_kgDOKvZnAA