ShakirFarhan / Realtime-Chat
A Real time Messaging App which allows users to create accounts and chat with each other in real-time. The website is developed using MERN stack, which includes MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. Socket.IO is used for real-time communication between the users. Redux Toolkit is used for state management, and Tailwind CSS is used for UI
RepositoryStats indexes 579,238 repositories, of these ShakirFarhan/Realtime-Chat is ranked #215,944 (63rd percentile) for total stargazers, and #330,954 for total watchers. Github reports the primary language for this repository as JavaScript, for repositories using this language it is ranked #26,601/64,892.
ShakirFarhan/Realtime-Chat has 1 open pull request on Github, 2 pull requests have been merged over the lifetime of the repository.
Github issues are enabled, there are 2 open issues and 1 closed issue.
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Star History
Github stargazers over time
Watcher History
Github watchers over time, collection started in '23
Recent Commit History
35 commits on the default branch (main) since jan '22
Yearly Commits
Commits to the default branch (main) per year
Issue History
The primary language is JavaScript but there's also others...
updated: 2024-11-06 @ 01:52am, id: 588665993 / R_kgDOIxZUiQ