Trending repositories for topic arduino-library
Arduino Audio Tools (a powerful Audio library not only for Arduino)
Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
Arduino FOC for BLDC and Stepper motors - Arduino Based Field Oriented Control Algorithm Library
A Simple ESP32 Bluetooth A2DP Library (to implement a Music Receiver or Sender) that supports Arduino, PlatformIO and Espressif IDF
Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips
Arduino library to control Mitsubishi Heat Pumps via connector cn105
Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on:
📟 JSON library for Arduino and embedded C++. Simple and efficient.
Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
The FluxGarage RoboEyes library draws smoothly animated robot eyes on OLED displays, using the Adafruit GFX library.
Arduino library to upload sketch over network to Arduino board with WiFi or Ethernet libraries
Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temperature & Humidity Sensors
An Arduino library that adds one or more joysticks to the list of HID devices an Arduino Leonardo or Arduino Micro can support.
OSI Layer 2 driver for nRF24L01 on Arduino & Raspberry Pi/Linux Devices
Arduino/ESP library to simplify setting up and running a state machine.
Companion Arduino library for Adafruit_GFX to load images from SD card
The FluxGarage RoboEyes library draws smoothly animated robot eyes on OLED displays, using the Adafruit GFX library.
Arduino/ESP library to simplify setting up and running a state machine.
Companion Arduino library for Adafruit_GFX to load images from SD card
Arduino Audio Tools (a powerful Audio library not only for Arduino)
Arduino library to upload sketch over network to Arduino board with WiFi or Ethernet libraries
Arduino Library for controlling Powered UP and Boost controllers
Arduino library to control Mitsubishi Heat Pumps via connector cn105
Unified sensor driver for the Adafruit BNO055 orientation sensor breakout
Arduino FOC for BLDC and Stepper motors - Arduino Based Field Oriented Control Algorithm Library
A Simple ESP32 Bluetooth A2DP Library (to implement a Music Receiver or Sender) that supports Arduino, PlatformIO and Espressif IDF
Arduino/ESP button library that provides callback functions to track single, double, triple and long clicks. It also takes care of debouncing.
Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips
Arduino library for DHT11, DHT22, etc Temperature & Humidity Sensors
Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on:
An Arduino library that adds one or more joysticks to the list of HID devices an Arduino Leonardo or Arduino Micro can support.
Arduino Audio Tools (a powerful Audio library not only for Arduino)
A Simple ESP32 Bluetooth A2DP Library (to implement a Music Receiver or Sender) that supports Arduino, PlatformIO and Espressif IDF
Arduino FOC for BLDC and Stepper motors - Arduino Based Field Oriented Control Algorithm Library
Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips
Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on:
Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
📟 JSON library for Arduino and embedded C++. Simple and efficient.
OSI Layer 2 driver for nRF24L01 on Arduino & Raspberry Pi/Linux Devices
Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
GPIOViewer Arduino Library to see live GPIO Pins on ESP32 boards
Arduino library for controlling single-wire LED pixels (NeoPixel, WS2812, etc.)
The FluxGarage RoboEyes library draws smoothly animated robot eyes on OLED displays, using the Adafruit GFX library.
No RTOS need any more, you will see... Function pointers queues classes library for Arduino or any other platform. Use it anywhere. Manipulate with your tasks without delays, keep your interrupts extr...
The FluxGarage RoboEyes library draws smoothly animated robot eyes on OLED displays, using the Adafruit GFX library.
Fully featured asynchronous Arduino MQTT client for ESP32 with full support for SSL/TLS and MQTT over websocket
Companion Arduino library for Adafruit_GFX to load images from SD card
This Arduino library adds the basic functionality needed to drive a HUB 75 protocol LED Panel up to 64x32 Pixels RGB.
No RTOS need any more, you will see... Function pointers queues classes library for Arduino or any other platform. Use it anywhere. Manipulate with your tasks without delays, keep your interrupts extr...
A small Arduino library for using 315MHz / 433MHz RF modules with ATtiny13 and other low-memory microcontrollers.
Arduino/ESP library to simplify setting up and running a state machine.
Flexible driver library for audio boards and codec chips e.g AC101 ES8388 ES8311 CS43l22 ES7243 etc
An Arduino Library for communicating with ExpressLRS and TBS Crossfire receivers.
An Arduino library for the 16-bit, 4 channel ADS1115 ADC. Convenient to use. All features of the ADS1115 are implemented, including alert functions.
Arduino Audio Tools (a powerful Audio library not only for Arduino)
An Arduino library for setting and retrieving internal RTC time on ESP32 boards
Arduino library to use Semtech SX126x LoRa chips and modules to communicate
🗜️ An Arduino library to handle tar, gz, and tar.gz files on ESP32, ESP8266 and RP2040, with support for gzip/deflate compression.
Bresser 5-in-1/6-in-1/7-in-1 868 MHz Weather Sensor Radio Receiver for Arduino based on CC1101, SX1276/RFM95W, SX1262 or LR1121
A Simple ESP32 Bluetooth A2DP Library (to implement a Music Receiver or Sender) that supports Arduino, PlatformIO and Espressif IDF
Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips
Arduino Audio Tools (a powerful Audio library not only for Arduino)
Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
Arduino FOC for BLDC and Stepper motors - Arduino Based Field Oriented Control Algorithm Library
📟 JSON library for Arduino and embedded C++. Simple and efficient.
GPIOViewer Arduino Library to see live GPIO Pins on ESP32 boards
Adafruit GFX graphics core Arduino library, this is the 'core' class that all our other graphics libraries derive from
Arduino library for controlling single-wire LED pixels (NeoPixel, WS2812, etc.)
Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on:
Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
Arduino library for SSD1306 monochrome 128x64 and 128x32 OLEDs
An Arduino library that adds one or more joysticks to the list of HID devices an Arduino Leonardo or Arduino Micro can support.
OSI Layer 2 driver for nRF24L01 on Arduino & Raspberry Pi/Linux Devices
Arduino library to control Mitsubishi Heat Pumps via connector cn105
A lightweight library allowing managing configuration settings on ESP32/ESP8266 devices using a web portal. Supports YAML-style definitions, Wi-Fi credentials storage, NTP sync, OTA firmware updates ...
The FluxGarage RoboEyes library draws smoothly animated robot eyes on OLED displays, using the Adafruit GFX library.
A streaming library for Arduino esp32 with a vs1053 mp3/aac/ogg/flac decoder. Plays http, https (insecure mode) and chunked streams and parses the metadata. Also plays ogg and mp3 from sdcard.
Joystick library for ESP32 S2 & S3 devices (native USB) for the Arduino framework.
An Arduino library for the 16-bit, 4 channel ADS1115 ADC. Convenient to use. All features of the ADS1115 are implemented, including alert functions.
Fully featured asynchronous Arduino MQTT client for ESP32 with full support for SSL/TLS and MQTT over websocket
Flexible driver library for audio boards and codec chips e.g AC101 ES8388 ES8311 CS43l22 ES7243 etc
This Arduino library adds the basic functionality needed to drive a HUB 75 protocol LED Panel up to 64x32 Pixels RGB.
No RTOS need any more, you will see... Function pointers queues classes library for Arduino or any other platform. Use it anywhere. Manipulate with your tasks without delays, keep your interrupts extr...
ESP32 ESP-IDF and ESP8266 RTOS SDK component (arduino library for ESP32 family) for ESP-NOW based mesh network.
Bresser 5-in-1/6-in-1/7-in-1 868 MHz Weather Sensor Radio Receiver for Arduino based on CC1101, SX1276/RFM95W, SX1262 or LR1121
Water Flow Sensor / Flow Meter Arduino Library, Flow Rate, Volume, YF-S201, YF-B1, OF10ZAT, OF10ZZT, OF05ZAT, OF05ZZT
Connect ESP32/8266 with Supabase. Enhance your IoT project with open-source database service
Arduino/ESP library to simplify setting up and running a state machine.
Лёгкая и очень функциональная библиотека для энкодера с кнопкой, энкодера или кнопки с Arduino
Flexible driver library for audio boards and codec chips e.g AC101 ES8388 ES8311 CS43l22 ES7243 etc
The FluxGarage RoboEyes library draws smoothly animated robot eyes on OLED displays, using the Adafruit GFX library.
Fully featured asynchronous Arduino MQTT client for ESP32 with full support for SSL/TLS and MQTT over websocket
Arduino and PlatformIO IDE compatible TFT library optimised for the Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), STM32, ESP8266 and ESP32 that supports different driver chips
A Simple ESP32 Bluetooth A2DP Library (to implement a Music Receiver or Sender) that supports Arduino, PlatformIO and Espressif IDF
Arduino Audio Tools (a powerful Audio library not only for Arduino)
GPIOViewer Arduino Library to see live GPIO Pins on ESP32 boards
Bluetooth LE Keyboard library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
Arduino FOC for BLDC and Stepper motors - Arduino Based Field Oriented Control Algorithm Library
Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
Infrared remote library for ESP8266/ESP32: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols. Based on:
📟 JSON library for Arduino and embedded C++. Simple and efficient.
Adafruit GFX graphics core Arduino library, this is the 'core' class that all our other graphics libraries derive from
Arduino library for creating MIDI controllers and other MIDI devices.
Arduino library for controlling single-wire LED pixels (NeoPixel, WS2812, etc.)
An Arduino library that adds one or more joysticks to the list of HID devices an Arduino Leonardo or Arduino Micro can support.
Arduino library for SSD1306 monochrome 128x64 and 128x32 OLEDs
No RTOS need any more, you will see... Function pointers queues classes library for Arduino or any other platform. Use it anywhere. Manipulate with your tasks without delays, keep your interrupts extr...
GUIslice drag & drop embedded GUI in C for touchscreen TFT on Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ARM, ESP8266 / ESP32 / M5stack using Adafruit-GFX / TFT_eSPI / UTFT / SDL
ESP32 ESP-IDF and ESP8266 RTOS SDK component (arduino library for ESP32 family) for ESP-NOW based mesh network.
The FluxGarage RoboEyes library draws smoothly animated robot eyes on OLED displays, using the Adafruit GFX library.
A cross-platform framework that deploys and applies ModelAssistant models to microcontrol devices
Joystick library for ESP32 S2 & S3 devices (native USB) for the Arduino framework.
A library to implement the master/client portion of the Modbus RTU protocol on Arduino
Water Flow Sensor / Flow Meter Arduino Library, Flow Rate, Volume, YF-S201, YF-B1, OF10ZAT, OF10ZZT, OF05ZAT, OF05ZZT
A lightweight library allowing managing configuration settings on ESP32/ESP8266 devices using a web portal. Supports YAML-style definitions, Wi-Fi credentials storage, NTP sync, OTA firmware updates ...
Arduino library to drive MIP (Memory In Pixel) displays produced by Sharp and Japan Display Inc.
An Arduino Library for communicating with ExpressLRS and TBS Crossfire receivers.
Connect ESP32/8266 with Supabase. Enhance your IoT project with open-source database service
Arduino Driver for TDK InvenSense consumer motion sensor ICM42670P
A simple MEMS I2S microphone and audio processing library for ESP32.
This is an Arduino library that implements the slave/server logic of the Modbus RTU protocol.
A streaming library for Arduino esp32 with a vs1053 mp3/aac/ogg/flac decoder. Plays http, https (insecure mode) and chunked streams and parses the metadata. Also plays ogg and mp3 from sdcard.
GPIOViewer Arduino Library to see live GPIO Pins on ESP32 boards