Trending repositories for topic kicad
Convert your KiCAD board into a nicely looking 2D drawing suitable for pinout diagrams
A curated list of awesome resources for Electronic Engineers and hobbyists
Plugin to generate BOM + CPL files for JLCPCB, assigning LCSC part numbers directly from the plugin, query the JLCPCB parts database, lookup datasheets and much more.
Interactive HTML BOM generation plugin for KiCad, EasyEDA, Eagle, Fusion360 and Allegro PCB designer
This is an active mirror of the KiCad development branch, which is hosted at GitLab (updated every time something is pushed). Pull requests on GitHub are not accepted or watched.
ESP32-S3 based Intercom Gateway (TCS / Koch / Niko / Scantron / Analogue Systems)
A minimalist 1W LoRA PCB design for Meshtastic-device firmware
KiCad Symbol & Footprint Library for Arduino Modules (Shields, Sockets and Tiles)
SKiDL is a module that extends Python with the ability to design electronic circuits.
ESP32-S3 based Intercom Gateway (TCS / Koch / Niko / Scantron / Analogue Systems)
A minimalist 1W LoRA PCB design for Meshtastic-device firmware
Convert your KiCAD board into a nicely looking 2D drawing suitable for pinout diagrams
Plugin to generate BOM + CPL files for JLCPCB, assigning LCSC part numbers directly from the plugin, query the JLCPCB parts database, lookup datasheets and much more.
KiCad Symbol & Footprint Library for Arduino Modules (Shields, Sockets and Tiles)
Interactive HTML BOM generation plugin for KiCad, EasyEDA, Eagle, Fusion360 and Allegro PCB designer
This is an active mirror of the KiCad development branch, which is hosted at GitLab (updated every time something is pushed). Pull requests on GitHub are not accepted or watched.
SKiDL is a module that extends Python with the ability to design electronic circuits.
A curated list of awesome resources for Electronic Engineers and hobbyists
A curated list of awesome resources for Electronic Engineers and hobbyists
Plugin to generate BOM + CPL files for JLCPCB, assigning LCSC part numbers directly from the plugin, query the JLCPCB parts database, lookup datasheets and much more.
This is an active mirror of the KiCad development branch, which is hosted at GitLab (updated every time something is pushed). Pull requests on GitHub are not accepted or watched.
Interactive HTML BOM generation plugin for KiCad, EasyEDA, Eagle, Fusion360 and Allegro PCB designer
Convert your KiCAD board into a nicely looking 2D drawing suitable for pinout diagrams
The Tick is the next evolution in covert access control system implants for simulating adversary-in-the-middle attacks.
SKiDL is a module that extends Python with the ability to design electronic circuits.
ESP32-S3 based Intercom Gateway (TCS / Koch / Niko / Scantron / Analogue Systems)
ESP32-S3 based Intercom Gateway (TCS / Koch / Niko / Scantron / Analogue Systems)
The Tick is the next evolution in covert access control system implants for simulating adversary-in-the-middle attacks.
A minimalist 1W LoRA PCB design for Meshtastic-device firmware
A set of symbols, footprints and 3d models of the basic components from JLCPCB's smt assembly
Plugin to generate BOM + CPL files for JLCPCB, assigning LCSC part numbers directly from the plugin, query the JLCPCB parts database, lookup datasheets and much more.
JLCPCB Design Rules implemented as Custom Rules in a .kicad_dru file
A comprehensive resource for Cherry MX Ultra Low Profile (ULP) switches and custom keyboard builds. Includes Kicad footprints, datasheets, keycap sources, project examples, and purchase links.
The Tick is the next evolution in covert access control system implants for simulating adversary-in-the-middle attacks.
A curated list of awesome resources for Electronic Engineers and hobbyists
Interactive HTML BOM generation plugin for KiCad, EasyEDA, Eagle, Fusion360 and Allegro PCB designer
This is an active mirror of the KiCad development branch, which is hosted at GitLab (updated every time something is pushed). Pull requests on GitHub are not accepted or watched.
Plugin to generate BOM + CPL files for JLCPCB, assigning LCSC part numbers directly from the plugin, query the JLCPCB parts database, lookup datasheets and much more.
A set of symbols, footprints and 3d models of the basic components from JLCPCB's smt assembly
Convert your KiCAD board into a nicely looking 2D drawing suitable for pinout diagrams
SKiDL is a module that extends Python with the ability to design electronic circuits.
The Tick is the next evolution in covert access control system implants for simulating adversary-in-the-middle attacks.
Script for extracting stackup templates from JLCPCB and turning them into Altium and KiCAD stackup files
Super Nintendo Entertainment System PAL schematic and board layout
PMW3610 laser mouse sensor breakout board, support both 3.3V and 1.8V logic
ESP32-S3 based Intercom Gateway (TCS / Koch / Niko / Scantron / Analogue Systems)
A set of symbols, footprints and 3d models of the basic components from JLCPCB's smt assembly
KiCad plugin to determine the parasitic properties of the printed tracks in the PCB layout.
JLCPCB Design Rules implemented as Custom Rules in a .kicad_dru file
A comprehensive resource for Cherry MX Ultra Low Profile (ULP) switches and custom keyboard builds. Includes Kicad footprints, datasheets, keycap sources, project examples, and purchase links.
KiCad schematics and ngspice simulations originally published by Holger Vogt
PCB design four channel relays with ESP32-WROOM-32
ErgoSNM is a split ergonomic keyboard integrated with trackball, wireless is in beta
an open source image projector build from scratch and based off of flea market parts.
The Tick is the next evolution in covert access control system implants for simulating adversary-in-the-middle attacks.
Self-contained 5W Class-D amplifier inside a Speakon connector
Script for extracting stackup templates from JLCPCB and turning them into Altium and KiCAD stackup files
A curated list of awesome resources for Electronic Engineers and hobbyists
Interactive HTML BOM generation plugin for KiCad, EasyEDA, Eagle, Fusion360 and Allegro PCB designer
This is an active mirror of the KiCad development branch, which is hosted at GitLab (updated every time something is pushed). Pull requests on GitHub are not accepted or watched.
Plugin to generate BOM + CPL files for JLCPCB, assigning LCSC part numbers directly from the plugin, query the JLCPCB parts database, lookup datasheets and much more.
A set of symbols, footprints and 3d models of the basic components from JLCPCB's smt assembly
an open source image projector build from scratch and based off of flea market parts.
A set of symbols, footprints and 3d models of the basic components from JLCPCB's smt assembly
an open source image projector build from scratch and based off of flea market parts.
The Tick is the next evolution in covert access control system implants for simulating adversary-in-the-middle attacks.
PMW3610 laser mouse sensor breakout board, support both 3.3V and 1.8V logic
KiCad schematics and ngspice simulations originally published by Holger Vogt
JLCPCB Design Rules implemented as Custom Rules in a .kicad_dru file
[Mirror] Source repository of the comprehensive KiCad Library for the Raspberry Pi Pico 🥧 Check out the repo Ki-Lime Pi To-Go for the fully baked submodule, and GitLab for issues, merge requests, etc...
Self-contained 5W Class-D amplifier inside a Speakon connector
PCB design four channel relays with ESP32-WROOM-32
Super Nintendo Entertainment System PAL schematic and board layout
Mechanical keyboard switches KiCad footprint library
A PCI Express card with an inbuilt PWM fan controller and mounting points for an 80mm fan.
A comprehensive resource for Cherry MX Ultra Low Profile (ULP) switches and custom keyboard builds. Includes Kicad footprints, datasheets, keycap sources, project examples, and purchase links.