Trending repositories for topic kotlin-multiplatform
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 同步,BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 | An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscription Rules
An awesome list that curates the best Kotlin Multiplatform libraries, tools and more.
Kotlin Multiplatform lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoCs) with routing (navigation) and pluggable UI (Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, JS React, etc.)
Kotlin Multiplatform Push Notification Library targetting android, iOS, Desktop and Web (JS and Wasm)
Architecture Framework for Kotlin. Reuse every line of code. Handle all errors automatically. No boilerplate. Build features in minutes. Analytics, metrics, debugging in 3 lines of code. Make all code...
Kalendar is no ordinary library — it’s the Elder Wand of calendar components, crafted for Compose (now with KMP support) sorcerers who demand both power and elegance. With the flick of your wrist (or ...
HTTP client generator / KSP plugin for Kotlin Multiplatform (Android, iOS, Js, Jvm, Native, WasmJs)) using KSP and Ktor clients inspired by Retrofit
WebView for JetBrains Compose Multiplatform
Kotlin Multiplatform and Android SDK for the Realm Mobile Database: Build Better Apps Faster.
A plugin for generating BuildConstants for any kind of Gradle projects: Java, Kotlin, Groovy, etc. Designed for KTS scripts.
Measure is an open-source tool to monitor mobile apps. We connect the dots between user actions, app events, network calls, logs, and errors to make debugging production issues easy!
KMP/ CMP GraphQL based conference project with Jetpack Compose Android, Compose for Wear, Compose Multiplatform and SwiftUI iOS clients along with GraphQL backend.
KaMP Kit by Touchlab. A collection of code & tools designed to get your mobile team started quickly w/Kotlin Multiplatform
Runtime permissions controls for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
A highly customizable calendar view and compose library for Android and Kotlin Multiplatform.
AI/LLM tool use (function calling) JSON Schema generator - a Kotlin multiplatform library
A Kotlin compiler plugin for transforming suspend functions to platform-compatible non-suspend functions, such as the JVM Blocking API and CompletableFuture or JS Promise, etc. ☝️😺👍
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 同步,BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
A Multiplatform App for Zenless Zone Zero (Android, iOS, Windows, macOS)
use React style hooks in Compose Multiplatform to easier management state
An implementation of the Material Design data table for Compose.
Kotlin Multiplatform Push Notification Library targetting android, iOS, Desktop and Web (JS and Wasm)
A sample Kotlin Multiplatform project having native UI and shared bussiness logic on Android and iOS platforms.
Control your map from common code for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Architecture Framework for Kotlin. Reuse every line of code. Handle all errors automatically. No boilerplate. Build features in minutes. Analytics, metrics, debugging in 3 lines of code. Make all code...
🌄 Kotlin Multiplatform library for Compose Multiplatform, designed for seamless integration of an image picker feature in iOS and Android applications.
WebView for JetBrains Compose Multiplatform
Kalendar is no ordinary library — it’s the Elder Wand of calendar components, crafted for Compose (now with KMP support) sorcerers who demand both power and elegance. With the flick of your wrist (or ...
Runtime permissions controls for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Kotlin Multiplatform lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoCs) with routing (navigation) and pluggable UI (Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, JS React, etc.)
A simple Currency App developed for iOS and Android using Compose Multiplatform.
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 同步,BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 | An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscription Rules
An awesome list that curates the best Kotlin Multiplatform libraries, tools and more.
Kalendar is no ordinary library — it’s the Elder Wand of calendar components, crafted for Compose (now with KMP support) sorcerers who demand both power and elegance. With the flick of your wrist (or ...
Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform
Measure is an open-source tool to monitor mobile apps. We connect the dots between user actions, app events, network calls, logs, and errors to make debugging production issues easy!
Kotlin Multiplatform lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoCs) with routing (navigation) and pluggable UI (Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, JS React, etc.)
Architecture Framework for Kotlin. Reuse every line of code. Handle all errors automatically. No boilerplate. Build features in minutes. Analytics, metrics, debugging in 3 lines of code. Make all code...
Pick and save Files, Medias and Folder for Kotlin Multiplatform / KMP and Compose Multiplatform / CMP
HTTP client generator / KSP plugin for Kotlin Multiplatform (Android, iOS, Js, Jvm, Native, WasmJs)) using KSP and Ktor clients inspired by Retrofit
A highly customizable calendar view and compose library for Android and Kotlin Multiplatform.
KMP/ CMP GraphQL based conference project with Jetpack Compose Android, Compose for Wear, Compose Multiplatform and SwiftUI iOS clients along with GraphQL backend.
A plugin for generating BuildConstants for any kind of Gradle projects: Java, Kotlin, Groovy, etc. Designed for KTS scripts.
Bookie is KMP app for searching books and their details. It supports Android, iOS and Desktop
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 同步,BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
AI/LLM tool use (function calling) JSON Schema generator - a Kotlin multiplatform library
A minimalistic audio player library for Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform
Implement Sprite animations with Compose Multiplatform on Android/iOS/Desktop/Web.
🧵 Compose Effects enable you to launch efficient side-effects without unnecessary operations for Android and Compose Multiplatform.
Kotlin Multiplatform Redis Client: coroutine-based, DSL-powered, and easy to use.
Architecture Framework for Kotlin. Reuse every line of code. Handle all errors automatically. No boilerplate. Build features in minutes. Analytics, metrics, debugging in 3 lines of code. Make all code...
Kalendar is no ordinary library — it’s the Elder Wand of calendar components, crafted for Compose (now with KMP support) sorcerers who demand both power and elegance. With the flick of your wrist (or ...
A Kotlin compiler plugin for transforming suspend functions to platform-compatible non-suspend functions, such as the JVM Blocking API and CompletableFuture or JS Promise, etc. ☝️😺👍
Wheel Date & Time Picker in Compose Multiplatform
Measure is an open-source tool to monitor mobile apps. We connect the dots between user actions, app events, network calls, logs, and errors to make debugging production issues easy!
Koin Annotations - About Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform
A simple Currency App developed for iOS and Android using Compose Multiplatform.
🧵 Compose Effects enable you to launch efficient side-effects without unnecessary operations for Android and Compose Multiplatform.
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 同步,BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 | An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscription Rules
An awesome list that curates the best Kotlin Multiplatform libraries, tools and more.
Measure is an open-source tool to monitor mobile apps. We connect the dots between user actions, app events, network calls, logs, and errors to make debugging production issues easy!
Pick and save Files, Medias and Folder for Kotlin Multiplatform / KMP and Compose Multiplatform / CMP
A highly customizable calendar view and compose library for Android and Kotlin Multiplatform.
A Rich text editor library for both Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform, fully customizable, supports HTML and Markdown.
Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform
Kotlin Multiplatform lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoCs) with routing (navigation) and pluggable UI (Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, JS React, etc.)
Carbon design system implementation with KMP and Compose Multiplatform
The only link utility app you need for Android, now available on desktop.
FeedFlow is a minimalistic RSS Reader available on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows and Linux. Built with Kotlin Multiplatform, Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI.
🛜 Kotlin Multiplatform library for monitoring network connectivity
Architecture Framework for Kotlin. Reuse every line of code. Handle all errors automatically. No boilerplate. Build features in minutes. Analytics, metrics, debugging in 3 lines of code. Make all code...
Twine: A multiplatform RSS reader built using Kotlin and Compose
🧵 Compose Effects enable you to launch efficient side-effects without unnecessary operations for Android and Compose Multiplatform.
Amper - a project configuration and build tool with a focus on the user experience and the IDE support
AI/LLM tool use (function calling) JSON Schema generator - a Kotlin multiplatform library
Bookie is KMP app for searching books and their details. It supports Android, iOS and Desktop
🧵 Compose Effects enable you to launch efficient side-effects without unnecessary operations for Android and Compose Multiplatform.
Unofficial Kotlin multiplatform variant of the Anthropic SDK
Scrollbar for Compose Multiplatform
Powerful tool to monitor Ktor Client requests and responses, making it easier to debug and analyze network communication.
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 同步,BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
Carbon design system implementation with KMP and Compose Multiplatform
kotlin native with JNI, but more fun. Auto JNI binding based on Kotlin Multiplatform
Add interactive vector tile maps to your Compose app
SPM For KMP: Use Apple Swift packages and sources in a KMP project
Graphics primitives for mobile (android & ios) Kotlin Multiplatform development
Implement Sprite animations with Compose Multiplatform on Android/iOS/Desktop/Web.
MediaPlayer-KMP is a Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) library that allows you to display and play YouTube videos across Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop platforms using JetBrains Compose Multiplatform. It pro...
Kotlin for iOS using MVVM pattern with KMP ViewModel
Measure is an open-source tool to monitor mobile apps. We connect the dots between user actions, app events, network calls, logs, and errors to make debugging production issues easy!
A SQLDelight Driver that wraps AndroidX Kotlin Multiplatform SQLite
A simple Currency App developed for iOS and Android using Compose Multiplatform.
Pick and save Files, Medias and Folder for Kotlin Multiplatform / KMP and Compose Multiplatform / CMP
🗺 The Kotlin Multiplatform Developer Roadmap offers comprehensive learning paths to help you understand KMP ecosystems.
Extensions for the kotlin-inject dependency injection framework
MediaPlayer-KMP is a Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) library that allows you to display and play YouTube videos across Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop platforms using JetBrains Compose Multiplatform. It pro...
A high-performance, non-blocking database driver for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite, written for Kotlin Native.
Type safe management and arithmetic of physical units. Inspired by kotlin.time.Duration.
A Multiplatform App for Zenless Zone Zero (Android, iOS, Windows, macOS)
Compose ur Pres: A pure Kotlin Compose Multiplatform presentation system for developer presenters.
Flexi-Store is an Ecommerce Application developed using Compose Multiplatform (Android,iOS,Desktop & Web). It's uses the Custom Server for it.
基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 | An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscription Rules
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 同步,BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
An awesome list that curates the best Kotlin Multiplatform libraries, tools and more.
Pick and save Files, Medias and Folder for Kotlin Multiplatform / KMP and Compose Multiplatform / CMP
A YouTube Music client with a focus on customisation of colours and song metadata. Built with Compose Multiplatform for Android and desktop.
Measure is an open-source tool to monitor mobile apps. We connect the dots between user actions, app events, network calls, logs, and errors to make debugging production issues easy!
Koin - a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin & Kotlin Multiplatform
A highly customizable calendar view and compose library for Android and Kotlin Multiplatform.
Amper - a project configuration and build tool with a focus on the user experience and the IDE support
A Rich text editor library for both Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform, fully customizable, supports HTML and Markdown.
Kotlin Multiplatform Libraries. Welcome PR if you find or create new Kotlin Multiplatform Library.
Kotlin Multiplatform lifecycle-aware business logic components (aka BLoCs) with routing (navigation) and pluggable UI (Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, JS React, etc.)
Samples showcasing the Kotlin Multiplatform Jetpack libraries
The only link utility app you need for Android, now available on desktop.
Twine: A multiplatform RSS reader built using Kotlin and Compose
The Official Conference App for DroidKaigi 2024
Calf is a library that allows you to easily create adaptive UIs and access platform specific APIs with Compose Multiplatform (Adaptive UI, File Picker, WebView, Permissions...).
🛜 Kotlin Multiplatform library for monitoring network connectivity
🛜 Kotlin Multiplatform library for monitoring network connectivity
Launch your Kotlin / KMP app automatically on system startup ✨
集找番、追番、看番的一站式弹幕追番平台,Bangumi 同步,BitTorrent,弹幕云过滤,100% Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform
A Multiplatform App for Zenless Zone Zero (Android, iOS, Windows, macOS)
Measure is an open-source tool to monitor mobile apps. We connect the dots between user actions, app events, network calls, logs, and errors to make debugging production issues easy!
A Kotlin Multiplatform wrapper for Android's Health Connect and Apple's HealthKit 🏥
The only link utility app you need for Android, now available on desktop.
Carbon design system implementation with KMP and Compose Multiplatform
Wheel Date & Time Picker in Compose Multiplatform
Instazoo KMP APP: an instagram clone with kotlin multiplatform
Kotlin Multiplatform Crypto/PKI/ASN.1 Library with Attestation and Hardware-Backed Crypto Support on Mobile
Minimalistic, fast and configurable Logger for Kotlin Multiplatform.
Compose Multiplatform UI Component used to display informative messages to the user.
Kotlin-first SDK for Yandex MapKit. It's API is similar to the Yandex MapKit SDK but also supports multiplatform projects and compose multiplaform, enabling you to use MapKit directly from your common...
Powerful tool to monitor Ktor Client requests and responses, making it easier to debug and analyze network communication.