Trending repositories for topic nix
The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
General purpose Nix configuration for macOS / NixOS (with starter templates!)
A nix-based nvim package manager that supports a normal config directory ... that can easily output mulitiple configured packages! (with example config(s) and in-editor help)
chsrc 全平台通用换源工具与框架. Change Source everywhere for every software
Install Nix and flakes with the fast and reliable Determinate Nix Installer, with over 7 million installs.
Simple and documented config templates to help you get started with NixOS + home-manager + flakes. All the boilerplate you need!
Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments using Nix
Nix language server, based on nix libraries [maintainer=@inclyc,@Aleksanaa]
Configure Neovim with Nix! [maintainers=@GaetanLepage, @traxys, @mattsturgeon, @khaneliman]
Modular, extensible and distro-agnostic Neovim configuration framework for Nix/NixOS
Nix flake for "too much bleeding-edge" and unreleased packages (e.g., mesa_git, linux_cachyos, firefox_nightly, sway_git, gamescope_git). And experimental modules (e.g., HDR, duckdns).
Install NixOS everywhere via SSH [maintainers=Mic92, Lassulus, phaer, Enzime]
A nix-based nvim package manager that supports a normal config directory ... that can easily output mulitiple configured packages! (with example config(s) and in-editor help)
Modular server management based on NixOS modules and focused on best practices.
The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
A Nix DSL for DNS zone files [maintainers=@raitobezarius @kirelagin @Tom-Hubrecht]
Nix flake for "too much bleeding-edge" and unreleased packages (e.g., mesa_git, linux_cachyos, firefox_nightly, sway_git, gamescope_git). And experimental modules (e.g., HDR, duckdns).
Modular, extensible and distro-agnostic Neovim configuration framework for Nix/NixOS
[MIRROR, PRs ok! Issues:] A modern, delicious implementation of the Nix package manager, focused on correctness, usability, and growth — and committed to...
Nix language server, based on nix libraries [maintainer=@inclyc,@Aleksanaa]
General purpose Nix configuration for macOS / NixOS (with starter templates!)
A `nix` and `nix-shell` wrapper for shells other than `bash`
My overengineered NixOS flake. Desktops, laptops, servers and everything else that can run an OS.
The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
General purpose Nix configuration for macOS / NixOS (with starter templates!)
chsrc 全平台通用换源工具与框架. Change Source everywhere for every software
Modular, extensible and distro-agnostic Neovim configuration framework for Nix/NixOS
Configure Neovim with Nix! [maintainers=@GaetanLepage, @traxys, @mattsturgeon, @khaneliman]
Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments using Nix
Install Nix and flakes with the fast and reliable Determinate Nix Installer, with over 7 million installs.
Simple and documented config templates to help you get started with NixOS + home-manager + flakes. All the boilerplate you need!
😎 A curated list of the best resources in the Nix community [maintainer=@cyntheticfox]
A nix-based nvim package manager that supports a normal config directory ... that can easily output mulitiple configured packages! (with example config(s) and in-editor help)
Dev environments for numerous languages based on Nix flakes [maintainer=@lucperkins]
A Zig library to idiomatically communicate with other BEAM nodes
Quickly generate shell.nix files once you have a working shell
A nix-based nvim package manager that supports a normal config directory ... that can easily output mulitiple configured packages! (with example config(s) and in-editor help)
The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
Modular, extensible and distro-agnostic Neovim configuration framework for Nix/NixOS
Nix flake for "too much bleeding-edge" and unreleased packages (e.g., mesa_git, linux_cachyos, firefox_nightly, sway_git, gamescope_git). And experimental modules (e.g., HDR, duckdns).
The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
chsrc 全平台通用换源工具与框架. Change Source everywhere for every software
General purpose Nix configuration for macOS / NixOS (with starter templates!)
Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments using Nix
😎 A curated list of the best resources in the Nix community [maintainer=@cyntheticfox]
Dev environments for numerous languages based on Nix flakes [maintainer=@lucperkins]
Modular, extensible and distro-agnostic Neovim configuration framework for Nix/NixOS
Simple and documented config templates to help you get started with NixOS + home-manager + flakes. All the boilerplate you need!
Configure Neovim with Nix! [maintainers=@GaetanLepage, @traxys, @mattsturgeon, @khaneliman]
Install Nix and flakes with the fast and reliable Determinate Nix Installer, with over 7 million installs.
Install NixOS everywhere via SSH [maintainers=Mic92, Lassulus, phaer, Enzime]
The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
Build recipe for an unattended, offline capable USB-bootable NixOS installer to bootstrap random computers
Home-manager module to integrate Betterfox user.js in Firefox and Librewolf
A Zig library to idiomatically communicate with other BEAM nodes
Quickly generate shell.nix files once you have a working shell
Nix library for creating scalable NixOS and Home Manager configurations with modules, hosts, and rices
Modular, extensible and distro-agnostic Neovim configuration framework for Nix/NixOS
Fork of the Gleam compiler providing a Nix backend, compiling Gleam to Nix
Nixy simplifies and unifies the Hyprland ecosystem with a modular, easily customizable setup. It provides a structured way to manage your system configuration and dotfiles with minimal effort.
🍁 Generate infrastructure and network diagrams directly from your NixOS configurations
Declarative hardware configuration for NixOS [maintainer=@brianmcgee,@Mic92]
Experimental nix expression to package all MacOS casks from homebrew automatically
Fork of the Gleam compiler providing a Nix backend, compiling Gleam to Nix
A series of NixOS modules to be used in conjunction with [maintainer=@brianmcgee,@Mic92]
A script to achieve automatically following all flake inputs for Nix
Install NvChad on Nix-based system [maintainer=@Bot-wxt1221, @MOIS3Y]
The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
chsrc 全平台通用换源工具与框架. Change Source everywhere for every software
Manage a user environment using Nix [maintainer=@rycee]
Fast, Declarative, Reproducible, and Composable Developer Environments using Nix
General purpose Nix configuration for macOS / NixOS (with starter templates!)
😎 A curated list of the best resources in the Nix community [maintainer=@cyntheticfox]
Simple and documented config templates to help you get started with NixOS + home-manager + flakes. All the boilerplate you need!
Install Nix and flakes with the fast and reliable Determinate Nix Installer, with over 7 million installs.
NativeLink is an open source high-performance build cache and remote execution server, compatible with Bazel, Buck2, Reclient, and other RBE-compatible build systems. It offers drastically faster buil...
Install NixOS everywhere via SSH [maintainers=Mic92, Lassulus, phaer, Enzime]
Declarative disk partitioning and formatting using nix [maintainers=Lassulus Enzime iFreilicht Mic92 phaer]
Configure Neovim with Nix! [maintainers=@GaetanLepage, @traxys, @mattsturgeon, @khaneliman]
:hammer_and_wrench: :heart: Want to know NixOS & Flakes in detail? Looking for a beginner-friendly tutorial? Then you've come to the right place! 想要学习使用 NixOS 与 Flakes 吗?在寻找一份新手友好的教程?那你可来对地方了!
The trust-minimized, zero-knowledge bridging protocol, designed for censorship resistance, extremely high security, and usage in decentralized finance.
🍁 Generate infrastructure and network diagrams directly from your NixOS configurations
Nixy simplifies and unifies the Hyprland ecosystem with a modular, easily customizable setup. It provides a structured way to manage your system configuration and dotfiles with minimal effort.
chsrc 全平台通用换源工具与框架. Change Source everywhere for every software
A practical guide to getting started with home manager with flakes and all that 2024 goodness.
Programmable CI/CD engine without Containers, written in Rust, built on top of Wasm and Nix ❄️
A Nix builder function for packaging Gradle applications.
[MIRROR, PRs ok! Issues:] A modern, delicious implementation of the Nix package manager, focused on correctness, usability, and growth — and committed to...
Modular, extensible and distro-agnostic Neovim configuration framework for Nix/NixOS
A cocktail recipe store for consumption on your mobile device of choice!
NativeLink is an open source high-performance build cache and remote execution server, compatible with Bazel, Buck2, Reclient, and other RBE-compatible build systems. It offers drastically faster buil...