Trending repositories for topic oauth2
The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
🧑🚀 The better identity infrastructure for developers and the open-source alternative to Auth0.
🏆Gitee 最有价值开源项目 🚀:100: 小而全而美的第三方登录开源组件。目前已支持Github、Gitee、微博、钉钉、百度、Coding、腾讯云开发者平台、OSChina、支付宝、QQ、微信、淘宝、Google、Facebook、抖音、领英、小米、微软、今日头条、Teambition、StackOverflow、Pinterest、人人、华为、企业微信、酷家乐、Gitlab、美团、饿了...
Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
↥ ↥ ↥ 点击关注更新,基于 Spring Cloud 2024 、Spring Boot 3.4、 OAuth2 的 RBAC 权限管理系统
An IMAP/POP/SMTP proxy that transparently adds OAuth 2.0 authentication for email clients that don't support this method.
YouTube Spring Boot Microservices Course Application
Spring Boot 3 Microservices Course Repository
A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application.
The most scalable and customizable OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider on the market. Become an OpenID Connect and OAuth2 Provider over night. Broad support for related RFCs. Written i...
:tada: (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud & Alibaba的分布式微服务架构权限管理系统
Dromara 🗝️MaxKey SSO ,Leading-Edge IAM-IDaas(Identity and Access Management) Product,业界领先的IAM-IDaas身份管理和认证产品,支持OAuth2.x、OpenID Connect、SAML2.0、JWT、CAS、SCIM等SSO标准协议,基于RBAC统一权限控制,实现用户生命周期管理,开源、安全、合规、自主...
YouTube Spring Boot Microservices Course Application
Spring Boot 3 Microservices Course Repository
An IMAP/POP/SMTP proxy that transparently adds OAuth 2.0 authentication for email clients that don't support this method.
A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application.
Import YAML/JSON-formatted configuration files into Keycloak - Configuration as Code for Keycloak.
🧑🚀 The better identity infrastructure for developers and the open-source alternative to Auth0.
:tada: (RuoYi)官方仓库 基于Spring Boot、Spring Cloud & Alibaba的分布式微服务架构权限管理系统
The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
Dromara 🗝️MaxKey SSO ,Leading-Edge IAM-IDaas(Identity and Access Management) Product,业界领先的IAM-IDaas身份管理和认证产品,支持OAuth2.x、OpenID Connect、SAML2.0、JWT、CAS、SCIM等SSO标准协议,基于RBAC统一权限控制,实现用户生命周期管理,开源、安全、合规、自主...
🐲基于SpringCloud 2023.x + Dubbo 3.x + AI构建的模拟秒杀微服务项目,集成了Elasticsearch🔍、Gateway、Mybatis-Plus、Sharding-JDBC等常用开源组件
The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
🧑🚀 The better identity infrastructure for developers and the open-source alternative to Auth0.
🏆Gitee 最有价值开源项目 🚀:100: 小而全而美的第三方登录开源组件。目前已支持Github、Gitee、微博、钉钉、百度、Coding、腾讯云开发者平台、OSChina、支付宝、QQ、微信、淘宝、Google、Facebook、抖音、领英、小米、微软、今日头条、Teambition、StackOverflow、Pinterest、人人、华为、企业微信、酷家乐、Gitlab、美团、饿了...
Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
↥ ↥ ↥ 点击关注更新,基于 Spring Cloud 2024 、Spring Boot 3.4、 OAuth2 的 RBAC 权限管理系统
An IMAP/POP/SMTP proxy that transparently adds OAuth 2.0 authentication for email clients that don't support this method.
The ultimate Python library in building OAuth, OpenID Connect clients and servers. JWS,JWE,JWK,JWA,JWT included.
🚀 Cookiecutter Template for FastAPI + React Projects. Using PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, and Docker
A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application.
An enterprise identity and access management platform-- Janssen is a distribution of standards-based, developer friendly, components that are engineered to work together in any cloud. #OAuth #OpenID #...
YouTube Spring Boot Microservices Course Application
Spring Boot 3 Microservices Course Repository
🐲基于SpringCloud 2023.x + Dubbo 3.x + AI构建的模拟秒杀微服务项目,集成了Elasticsearch🔍、Gateway、Mybatis-Plus、Sharding-JDBC等常用开源组件
YouTube Spring Boot Microservices Course Application
Spring Boot 3 Microservices Course Repository
Cloudflare Workers script that allows Sveltia CMS users to authenticate with GitHub or GitLab.
OAuth 2 authentication with the Azure ActiveDirectory V2 API.
Elysia plugin for OAuth 2.0 Authorization Flow with more than 42 providers
An enterprise identity and access management platform-- Janssen is a distribution of standards-based, developer friendly, components that are engineered to work together in any cloud. #OAuth #OpenID #...
Handshake handles your OAuth flows with over 200 popular APIs. Setup and deploy to Vercel in 5 minutes. 🤝 🍭
An IMAP/POP/SMTP proxy that transparently adds OAuth 2.0 authentication for email clients that don't support this method.
A comprehensive collection of articles, tutorials, and resources about authentication, authorization, and identity management.
Provider agnostic OAuth2 Authorization Code flow with PKCE for React
Practical microservices based on different software architecture and technologies like Golang, CQRS, Vertical Slice Architecture, Docker, RabbitMQ, OpenTelemetry and Postgresql.
oauth-labs: an intentionally vulnerable set of OAuth 2.0 labs for security training and learning
The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
🧑🚀 The better identity infrastructure for developers and the open-source alternative to Auth0.
Your data, your control. Fully open source, authentication and authorization. No lock-ins. Deployment in Railway in 120 seconds || Spin a docker image as a micro-service in your infra. Built in login...
🏆Gitee 最有价值开源项目 🚀:100: 小而全而美的第三方登录开源组件。目前已支持Github、Gitee、微博、钉钉、百度、Coding、腾讯云开发者平台、OSChina、支付宝、QQ、微信、淘宝、Google、Facebook、抖音、领英、小米、微软、今日头条、Teambition、StackOverflow、Pinterest、人人、华为、企业微信、酷家乐、Gitlab、美团、饿了...
Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
↥ ↥ ↥ 点击关注更新,基于 Spring Cloud 2024 、Spring Boot 3.4、 OAuth2 的 RBAC 权限管理系统
The most scalable and customizable OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider on the market. Become an OpenID Connect and OAuth2 Provider over night. Broad support for related RFCs. Written i...
oauth-labs: an intentionally vulnerable set of OAuth 2.0 labs for security training and learning
A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application.
Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
The ultimate Python library in building OAuth, OpenID Connect clients and servers. JWS,JWE,JWK,JWA,JWT included.
Apereo CAS - Identity & Single Sign On for all earthlings and beyond.
oauth-labs: an intentionally vulnerable set of OAuth 2.0 labs for security training and learning
Spring Boot 3 Microservices Course Repository
YouTube Spring Boot Microservices Course Application
Next-auth v5 project with Next.js 14, offering robust authentication features including social logins, password recovery, email verification, two-factor authentication, user roles (admin & user), log...
A turnkey OAuth & authentication system, designed for both Cloudflare Workers and Node.js
openvpn-auth-oauth2 is a plugin/management interface client for OpenVPN server to handle an OIDC based single sign-on (SSO) auth flows
A comprehensive collection of articles, tutorials, and resources about authentication, authorization, and identity management.
OpenID Connect, the authentication protocol and identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0 used in many SSO and adopted in many social logins (Apple, Facebook, Google, ...etc). Find this curated list of provi...
Kotlin Multiplatform OpenIDConnect implementation for Android/iOS
[READ ONLY] Subtree split of the SocialiteProviders/Laravel-Passport Provider (see SocialiteProviders/Providers)
The KeycloakClientBundle is bundle for Symfony, designed to simplify Keycloak integration into your application in Symfony and provide additional functionality for token management and user informatio...
Elysia plugin for OAuth 2.0 Authorization Flow with more than 42 providers
Your data, your control. Fully open source, authentication and authorization. No lock-ins. Deployment in Railway in 120 seconds || Spin a docker image as a micro-service in your infra. Built in login...
FlowAnalyzer is a tool to help in testing and analyzing OAuth 2.0 Flows, including OpenID Connect (OIDC).
Advanced custom authentication for Next.js applications with Auth.js V5. Authentication with providers and credentials.
Handshake handles your OAuth flows with over 200 popular APIs. Setup and deploy to Vercel in 5 minutes. 🤝 🍭
A comprehensive collection of articles, tutorials, and resources about authentication, authorization, and identity management.
YouTube Spring Boot Microservices Course Application
A turnkey OAuth & authentication system, designed for both Cloudflare Workers and Node.js
oauth-labs: an intentionally vulnerable set of OAuth 2.0 labs for security training and learning
Optimart: A full-stack e-commerce platform with a Spring Boot backend and Next.js frontend for a modern, scalable user experience.
Next-auth v5 project with Next.js 14, offering robust authentication features including social logins, password recovery, email verification, two-factor authentication, user roles (admin & user), log...
The open source Firebase alternative. Supabase gives you a dedicated Postgres database to build your web, mobile, and AI applications.
🧑🚀 The better identity infrastructure for developers and the open-source alternative to Auth0.
🏆Gitee 最有价值开源项目 🚀:100: 小而全而美的第三方登录开源组件。目前已支持Github、Gitee、微博、钉钉、百度、Coding、腾讯云开发者平台、OSChina、支付宝、QQ、微信、淘宝、Google、Facebook、抖音、领英、小米、微软、今日头条、Teambition、StackOverflow、Pinterest、人人、华为、企业微信、酷家乐、Gitlab、美团、饿了...
Integrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
The most scalable and customizable OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider on the market. Become an OpenID Connect and OAuth2 Provider over night. Broad support for related RFCs. Written i...
Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API
A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application.
↥ ↥ ↥ 点击关注更新,基于 Spring Cloud 2024 、Spring Boot 3.4、 OAuth2 的 RBAC 权限管理系统
Dromara 🗝️MaxKey SSO ,Leading-Edge IAM-IDaas(Identity and Access Management) Product,业界领先的IAM-IDaas身份管理和认证产品,支持OAuth2.x、OpenID Connect、SAML2.0、JWT、CAS、SCIM等SSO标准协议,基于RBAC统一权限控制,实现用户生命周期管理,开源、安全、合规、自主...
Flexible and versatile OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect stack for .NET
The ultimate Python library in building OAuth, OpenID Connect clients and servers. JWS,JWE,JWK,JWA,JWT included.
Apereo CAS - Identity & Single Sign On for all earthlings and beyond.
An opinionated way to authenticate users using Laravel Socialite.
Kotlin Multiplatform OpenIDConnect implementation for Android/iOS
FlowAnalyzer is a tool to help in testing and analyzing OAuth 2.0 Flows, including OpenID Connect (OIDC).
Upload your Yi-Camera video files to Microsoft OneDrive storage instead of subscribing a vendor's cloud plan.
This repository contains the code used along with Keith Casey's LinkedIn Learning course called "Web Security: OAuth and OpenID Connect".
openvpn-auth-oauth2 is a plugin/management interface client for OpenVPN server to handle an OIDC based single sign-on (SSO) auth flows
spring-authorization-server 入门到精通
🔥🔥🔥AirPower4J是一个基于 Java17、SpringBoot3.x、JPA&MySQL 的后端开发脚手架,其中包含了一些 RBAC、请求验证、CURD封装、异常处理、多租户SaaS、加解密与安全、WebSocket等模块,以满足日常开发的快捷、稳健、标准化等要求。
✨ Seamless and highly customizable authentication and user management server for any project. ✨
oauth-labs: an intentionally vulnerable set of OAuth 2.0 labs for security training and learning
OpenID Connect, the authentication protocol and identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0 used in many SSO and adopted in many social logins (Apple, Facebook, Google, ...etc). Find this curated list of provi...
Cloudflare Workers script that allows Sveltia CMS users to authenticate with GitHub or GitLab.
How to: ASP.NET Core with OAuth2 (Keycloak) and Angular
Basic Google Drive HTTP API client that does not depend on Google's SDK.
FastAPI Vue OAuth2 is a boilerplate for building a FastAPI backend with a Vue frontend. It includes OAuth2 authentication with JWT tokens, and a simple user CRUD. Project can be easily deployed with D...