Trending repositories for topic scss
A open source monospace component library crafted for React interfaces built with variable fonts, React applications, and React websites that prioritize simplicity.
Drag and drop page builder library written in vanilla javascript without dependencies or build tools.
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page
A set of Accessible, easy to use, Front-end UI Components for Astro.
Free, open source mental health communication web app to share experiences with loved ones
Open source admin template based on Bootstrap 5 and React.js
Free Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template
Shopco - Free Next.js 14 App Router, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, shadcn-ui, framer-motion, redux toolkit E-commerce Website.
A open source monospace component library crafted for React interfaces built with variable fonts, React applications, and React websites that prioritize simplicity.
Well configurable breadcrumb component for Astro.js. Create breadcrumbs completely dynamically or specify exactly how they should look.
Shopco - Free Next.js 14 App Router, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, shadcn-ui, framer-motion, redux toolkit E-commerce Website.
A set of Accessible, easy to use, Front-end UI Components for Astro.
Flexible Bootstrap WordPress starter theme with full WooCommerce support and built-in SCSS compiler.
Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page
A JS-independent, tree-shakeable CSS framework for building faithful recreations of the Windows 7 UI.
Drag and drop page builder library written in vanilla javascript without dependencies or build tools.
Free, open source mental health communication web app to share experiences with loved ones
Easy to adapt and deploy React portfolio inspired with solutions found at GitHub.
AdminKit is a free & open-source HTML dashboard & admin template based on Bootstrap 5
A open source monospace component library crafted for React interfaces built with variable fonts, React applications, and React websites that prioritize simplicity.
Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Drag and drop page builder library written in vanilla javascript without dependencies or build tools.
Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page
Free Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template
A set of Accessible, easy to use, Front-end UI Components for Astro.
A collection site of Firefox userchrome themes, mostly from FirefoxCSS Reddit community.
A open source monospace component library crafted for React interfaces built with variable fonts, React applications, and React websites that prioritize simplicity.
Shopco - Free Next.js 14 App Router, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, shadcn-ui, framer-motion, redux toolkit E-commerce Website.
A lightning-fast boilerplate for building Figma Plugins in Svelte, React, or Vue built on Vite + TypeScript + Sass
Customizable UI component and template library for Astro apps styled with Sass with Svelte + React support.
Well configurable breadcrumb component for Astro.js. Create breadcrumbs completely dynamically or specify exactly how they should look.
An awesome list of CSS / SCSS frameworks & resources.
Simple HTML5 random name picker for picking lucky draw winner using Web Animations and AudioContext API.
Macro based compile-time SCSS transpilation, CSS minification, and class name uniquification toolchain inspired by CSS modules.
A set of Accessible, easy to use, Front-end UI Components for Astro.
An open-source 2D battle royale game inspired by Work in progress.
Shopping cart app built with React and Firebase. This app is a clone of
Flexible Bootstrap WordPress starter theme with full WooCommerce support and built-in SCSS compiler.
Template to start a Vanilla.js web application using modern web stack: Vite, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS.
A open source monospace component library crafted for React interfaces built with variable fonts, React applications, and React websites that prioritize simplicity.
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
Drag and drop page builder library written in vanilla javascript without dependencies or build tools.
Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page
💫 Orbit is the first general-purpose CSS framework designed for building radial or circular UI!
Open source admin template based on Bootstrap 5 and React.js
A JS-independent, tree-shakeable CSS framework for building faithful recreations of the Windows 7 UI.
Free Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template
Shopco - Free Next.js 14 App Router, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, shadcn-ui, framer-motion, redux toolkit E-commerce Website.
Customizable UI component and template library for Astro apps styled with Sass with Svelte + React support.
Well configurable breadcrumb component for Astro.js. Create breadcrumbs completely dynamically or specify exactly how they should look.
This git repository consists of a collection of 50 carefully curated frontend projects that showcase your skills and creativity as a frontend developer. Each project is unique and visually stunning, d...
Language server with improved support for SCSS, Sass indented and SassDoc. Workspace awareness and full support for Sass modules.
A lightning-fast boilerplate for building Figma Plugins in Svelte, React, or Vue built on Vite + TypeScript + Sass
Macro based compile-time SCSS transpilation, CSS minification, and class name uniquification toolchain inspired by CSS modules.
This is my portfolio built with Next.js, Typescript, GSAP and Vercel.
💫 Orbit is the first general-purpose CSS framework designed for building radial or circular UI!
DB UX Design System Monorepo - Provides Design Tokens and components for Web UIs
A web-based version of the digital resources document found in
A open source monospace component library crafted for React interfaces built with variable fonts, React applications, and React websites that prioritize simplicity.
SQLens is an open-source tool for visualizing SQL database schemas, making it easier to understand complex relationships in PostgreSQL databases. It's designed for quick debugging, optimization, and ...
GitGlance is your go-to tool for visualizing GitHub profiles. Gain insights into your contributions, expertise, and community engagement with intuitive visualizations.
Visual Sort is a web-based sorting algorithm visualization tool built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SCSS, and JavaScript. This project provides an interactive way to visualize various sorting algorithms...
Shopco - Free Next.js 14 App Router, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, shadcn-ui, framer-motion, redux toolkit E-commerce Website.
Customizable UI component and template library for Astro apps styled with Sass with Svelte + React support.
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
Drag and drop page builder library written in vanilla javascript without dependencies or build tools.
💫 Orbit is the first general-purpose CSS framework designed for building radial or circular UI!
Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page
A JS-independent, tree-shakeable CSS framework for building faithful recreations of the Windows 7 UI.
Open source admin template based on Bootstrap 5 and React.js
Free Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template
NAND is a logic simulator suite made entirely from NAND gates
This is my portfolio built with Next.js, Typescript, GSAP and Vercel.
Full-stack Twitter Clone created with Next.js, Supabase and PostgreSQL.
DB UX Design System Monorepo - Provides Design Tokens and components for Web UIs
A lightning-fast boilerplate for building Figma Plugins in Svelte, React, or Vue built on Vite + TypeScript + Sass
The Placement Cell Application is a Full Stack Application built using MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, EJS, Express Partials-Layouts, GulpJS, Vanilla JS & implements RestFul CRUD APIs along with CRUD Oper...
ViteJS starter template for markup/vanilla JS
Configurable, smart and fast CSS, SCSS, Sass and Less formatter with dprint integration.
Multi Vendor ecommerce website for online shopping, it's allows multi vendor features to allow sellers to sell.
Macro based compile-time SCSS transpilation, CSS minification, and class name uniquification toolchain inspired by CSS modules.
A toolchain for Figma design tokens, enabling designers and developers to extract, transform, and distribute design decisions as code
An open-source 2D battle royale game inspired by Work in progress.