Trending repositories for topic snippets
Short code snippets for all your development needs
A tool to beautify your code screenshots. Built with SolidJS and Fastify.
🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
:black_heart: Create and share beautiful images of your source code
🔋 Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter and boilerplate packed with useful development features
Next generation website for Java Design Patterns
🔥 A simple yet powerful extension to add wrapper templates around your code blocks
Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements
:books: Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity
Think fearlessly with end-to-end encrypted notes and files. For issues, visit or
A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview.
Next generation website for Java Design Patterns
A tool to beautify your code screenshots. Built with SolidJS and Fastify.
🔥 A simple yet powerful extension to add wrapper templates around your code blocks
Interactive code examples for documentation, education and fun
Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements
🔋 Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter and boilerplate packed with useful development features
:books: Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity
🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
Think fearlessly with end-to-end encrypted notes and files. For issues, visit or
A free and open source code snippets manager for developers
:black_heart: Create and share beautiful images of your source code
Short code snippets for all your development needs
A curated collection of common interview questions to help you prepare for your next interview.
Short code snippets for all your development needs
🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
A free and open source code snippets manager for developers
A tool to beautify your code screenshots. Built with SolidJS and Fastify.
:black_heart: Create and share beautiful images of your source code
:books: Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity
A Next.js starter template, packed with features like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Next-auth, Eslint, Stripe, testing tools and more. Jumpstart your project with efficiency and style.
Interactive code examples for documentation, education and fun
Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements
Next generation website for Java Design Patterns
Language server to enable word completion and snippets for Helix editor
🔋 Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter and boilerplate packed with useful development features
Language server to enable word completion and snippets for Helix editor
Next generation website for Java Design Patterns
A Next.js starter template, packed with features like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Next-auth, Eslint, Stripe, testing tools and more. Jumpstart your project with efficiency and style.
A port of Gilles Castel's UltiSnip snippets for LuaSnip.
A tool to beautify your code screenshots. Built with SolidJS and Fastify.
It contains interview preparation notes provided by iNeuron, important links, MLOps resources
Interactive code examples for documentation, education and fun
Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements
🔥 A simple yet powerful extension to add wrapper templates around your code blocks
Set of preconfigured snippets for different languages.
Collection of reusable tested Java 17 compatible code snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less.
:books: Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity
Searchable interactive texts to copy & paste text, run scripts, using easily exchangeable bundles
Short code snippets for all your development needs
:black_heart: Create and share beautiful images of your source code
🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
A free and open source code snippets manager for developers
Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements
A Next.js starter template, packed with features like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Next-auth, Eslint, Stripe, testing tools and more. Jumpstart your project with efficiency and style.
Think fearlessly with end-to-end encrypted notes and files. For issues, visit or
:books: Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity
🔋 Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter and boilerplate packed with useful development features
A tool to beautify your code screenshots. Built with SolidJS and Fastify.
Interactive code examples for documentation, education and fun
A Next.js starter template, packed with features like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Next-auth, Eslint, Stripe, testing tools and more. Jumpstart your project with efficiency and style.
Next generation website for Java Design Patterns
Language server to enable word completion and snippets for Helix editor
🔍 Very Simple Template to read / write Process Memory with C++ 🔧
Collect and develop Open Source or Free Projects for building ecommerce platform easy and fast and free
Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements
A port of Gilles Castel's UltiSnip snippets for LuaSnip.
🔥 A simple yet powerful extension to add wrapper templates around your code blocks
A set of preconfigured snippets for LaTeX for the snippet engine LuaSnip.
A tool to beautify your code screenshots. Built with SolidJS and Fastify.
✍️ A way to integrate LaTeX, VS Code, and Inkscape in macOS
A Next.js starter template, packed with features like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Next-auth, Eslint, Stripe, testing tools and more. Jumpstart your project with efficiency and style.
A curated collection of Python customkinter snippets for building interactive GUI applications effortlessly.
Short code snippets for all your development needs
🌙 LunarVim is an IDE layer for Neovim. Completely free and community driven.
Interactive code examples for documentation, education and fun
:black_heart: Create and share beautiful images of your source code
Think fearlessly with end-to-end encrypted notes and files. For issues, visit or
Set of preconfigured snippets for different languages.
A free and open source code snippets manager for developers
Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements
A Next.js starter template, packed with features like TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Next-auth, Eslint, Stripe, testing tools and more. Jumpstart your project with efficiency and style.
🔋 Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter and boilerplate packed with useful development features
:books: Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity
A tool to beautify your code screenshots. Built with SolidJS and Fastify.
Interactive code examples for documentation, education and fun
Language server to enable word completion and snippets for Helix editor
An online editor with super powers, fast preview, plugins and super cool library of cool Frontend creations for your inspiration.
基于 Vue3、Vite5、Vue Router、Pinia 和 Element Plus 构建的高效后台管理模板。结合 VSCode 插件 v3s snippets,助力快速开发业务应用。
🧩 Set of unstyled UI components to build powerful code blocks in React.
Shadcn Svelte VSCode extension to help you install and use components directly without leaving your IDE ✨.
A set of preconfigured snippets for LaTeX for the snippet engine LuaSnip.
📖 Automatically generates API documentation for your project based on Doxygen comments and code snippets in your markdown files.
VBA language extension to use with VS Code. Also used for syntax highlighting on GitHub.
Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements
✍️ A way to integrate LaTeX, VS Code, and Inkscape in macOS
Must have extension when using vscode with python.
My collection of raylib code examples - For learning the C language with 2D and 3D games.
Next generation website for Java Design Patterns