Which Github Repositories Were Popular/Trending in March 2023?
The star counts displayed are a snapshot of how many stars the repositories listed had at the end of March 2023
freeCodeCamp.org's open-source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free.
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python...
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.
Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.
为GPT/GLM等LLM大语言模型提供实用化交互接口,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm3等本地模型。接入通义千问, deepseekcoder, 讯飞星火, 文心一言, llama2, rwkv, claude2, moss...
基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.
GPT4All: Run Local LLMs on Any Device. Open-source and available for commercial use.
A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
ChatGLM-6B: An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model | 开源双语对话语言模型
The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language.
🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering
GUI for ChatGPT API and many LLMs. Supports agents, file-based QA, GPT finetuning and query with web search. All with a neat UI.
Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
为GPT/GLM等LLM大语言模型提供实用化交互接口,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm3等本地模型。接入通义千问, deepseekcoder, 讯飞星火, 文心一言, llama2, rwkv, claude2, moss...
Use ChatGPT to summarize the arXiv papers. 全流程加速科研,利用chatgpt进行论文全文总结+专业翻译+润色+审稿+审稿回复
User-friendly Desktop Client App for AI Models/LLMs (GPT, Claude, Gemini, Ollama...)
A community-driven way to read and chat with AI bots - powered by chatGPT.
ChatGLM-6B: An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model | 开源双语对话语言模型
SQL Translator is a tool for converting natural language queries into SQL code using artificial intelligence. This project is 100% free and open source.
GUI for ChatGPT API and many LLMs. Supports agents, file-based QA, GPT finetuning and query with web search. All with a neat UI.
GPT wrapper for git — generate commit messages with an LLM in 1 sec — works best with Claude 3.5 — supports local models too
Elegant and Powerfull. Powered by OpenAI and Vercel.
Implementation of the LLaMA language model based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, Int8 and GPTQ 4bit quantization, LoRA and LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed.
The implementation of "Prismer: A Vision-Language Model with Multi-Task Experts".
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