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Take Paper Mario 64, buff old and new enemies to absurd levels, then rebalance Mario's overpowered strategies, and you've got one of the most difficult hacks of all time: Paper Mario Master Quest. The...
Created 2019-11-11
50 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
基于React18.2.0 + webpack5.0.1 + antd5.5.1 + react-router-dom6.6.2 + typescript 搭建的后台管理系统脚手架。recoil作为状态管理,axios作为网络请求,简易版后台模板,开箱即用,支持配置多种菜单模式,支持路由权限配置,多标签。【持续开发中...喜欢可以给个star,给点意见。】
Created 2023-03-25
105 commits to develop branch, last one a day ago
Hardware design of Magic Desk and Ocean compatible cartridge for the Commodore 64
Created 2020-03-27
59 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago