Statistics for topic admin-template
RepositoryStats tracks 584,797 Github repositories, of these 168 are tagged with the admin-template topic. The most common primary language for repositories using this topic is Vue (41). Other languages include: TypeScript (40), HTML (30), JavaScript (19), CSS (12)
Stargazers over time for topic admin-template
Most starred repositories for topic admin-template (view more)
Trending repositories for topic admin-template (view more)
A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI 和 Uno...
:tada: A magical vue admin
🎉 vue admin,vue3 admin,vue3.0 admin,vue后台管理,vue-admin,vue3.0-admin,admin,vue-admin,vue-element-admin,ant-design,vab admin pro,vab admin plus,vue admin plus,vue admin pro
A Modern React Admin Template. It is based on React 18, Vite and TypeScript. It's fast !
基于 FastAPI+Vue3+Naive UI 的现代化轻量管理平台。 A modern Management Platform based on FastAPI+Vue3+Naive UI.
Admiral is a frontend framework for creating back office in React. It provides out-of-the-box components and tools that make developing an admin interface easy and fast.
A Modern React Admin Template. It is based on React 18, Vite and TypeScript. It's fast !
Free React Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template - TailAdmin is a free and open-source admin dashboard template built on React and Tailwind CSS, providing developers with everything they need to creat...
Datta Able Bootstrap 5 admin template free version
A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
:tada: A magical vue admin
A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI 和 Uno...
🎉 vue admin,vue3 admin,vue3.0 admin,vue后台管理,vue-admin,vue3.0-admin,admin,vue-admin,vue-element-admin,ant-design,vab admin pro,vab admin plus,vue admin plus,vue admin pro
A Modern React Admin Template. It is based on React 18, Vite and TypeScript. It's fast !
这是一个基于 Vue3、TypeScript、Vite 和 Element-Plus 精心打造的后台管理系统模板,专注于用户体验和视觉设计。
Shadcn UI NextJS Boilerplate ⚡️ Free Open-source ChatGPT UI Admin Dashboard Template - Horizon AI Boilerplate
基于 FastAPI+Vue3+Naive UI 的现代化轻量管理平台。 A modern Management Platform based on FastAPI+Vue3+Naive UI.
Free and Open-source Tailwind CSS Dashboard Admin Template that comes with all essential dashboard UI components, pages and elements
A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI 和 Uno...
:tada: A magical vue admin
A Modern React Admin Template. It is based on React 18, Vite and TypeScript. It's fast !
🎉 vue admin,vue3 admin,vue3.0 admin,vue后台管理,vue-admin,vue3.0-admin,admin,vue-admin,vue-element-admin,ant-design,vab admin pro,vab admin plus,vue admin plus,vue admin pro
这是一个基于 Vue3、TypeScript、Vite 和 Element-Plus 精心打造的后台管理系统模板,专注于用户体验和视觉设计。
基于 SoybeanAdmin 二次修改而来。一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,采用 Naive UI 组件库,并最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia 和 UnoCSS。它内置了丰富的主题配置和组件,代码规范严谨,实现了自动化的文件路由系统。
Shadcn UI NextJS Boilerplate ⚡️ Free Open-source ChatGPT UI Admin Dashboard Template - Horizon AI Boilerplate
Most Powerful & Comprehensive Free Bootstrap 5 HTML Laravel Admin Dashboard Template built for developers!
This package provides theme integration using shadcn-ui for
Shadcn UI NextJS Boilerplate ⚡️ Free Open-source ChatGPT UI Admin Dashboard Template - Horizon AI Boilerplate
基于 FastAPI+Vue3+Naive UI 的现代化轻量管理平台。 A modern Management Platform based on FastAPI+Vue3+Naive UI.
这是一个基于 Vue3、TypeScript、Vite 和 Element-Plus 精心打造的后台管理系统模板,专注于用户体验和视觉设计。
Create Admin Panels faster on Node.js and Vue.js with AdminForth Framework. Setup main CRUD pages within minutes, extend as you need with Vue3
基于 SoybeanAdmin 二次修改而来。一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,采用 Naive UI 组件库,并最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia 和 UnoCSS。它内置了丰富的主题配置和组件,代码规范严谨,实现了自动化的文件路由系统。
A modern vue admin panel built with Vue3, Shadcn UI, Vite, TypeScript, and Monorepo. It's fast!
A clean, elegant, beautiful and powerful admin template, based on Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI and UnoCSS. 一个清新优雅、高颜值且功能强大的后台管理模板,基于最新的前端技术栈,包括 Vue3, Vite5, TypeScript, Pinia, NaiveUI 和 Uno...
:tada: A magical vue admin
A Modern React Admin Template. It is based on React 18, Vite and TypeScript. It's fast !
🎉 vue admin,vue3 admin,vue3.0 admin,vue后台管理,vue-admin,vue3.0-admin,admin,vue-admin,vue-element-admin,ant-design,vab admin pro,vab admin plus,vue admin plus,vue admin pro
A Modern React Admin Template. It is based on React 18, Vite and TypeScript. It's fast !
这个模板使用了最新的 vue3 和 element-plus UI 框架,vite 构建工具、pinia 状态管理、vue-router 路由管理、mockjs 数据模拟,并集成了 typescript,功能由 Vue Element Admin 移植而来。
Most Powerful & Comprehensive Free Bootstrap 5 HTML Laravel Admin Dashboard Template built for developers!
TailAdmin is a Next.js and Tailwind CSS free, open-source admin dashboard template. Provides developers with the necessary tools, components, pages to build a full-featured back-end, dashboard, or adm...