5 results found Sort:

Transcribe and translate voice into LRC file using Whisper and LLMs (GPT, Claude, et,al). 使用whisper和LLM(GPT,Claude等)来转录、翻译你的音频为字幕文件。
Created 2023-06-08
309 commits to master branch, last one a day ago
PySimpleGUI based DESKTOP APP to AUTO GENERATE SUBTITLE FILE (using free Google Speech Recognition API) and TRANSLATED SUBTITLE FILE (using unofficial online Google Translate API) for any video or aud...
Created 2023-02-10
158 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
Chrome/Edge BROWSER EXTENSION that can RECOGNIZE any live audio/video streaming then TRANSLATE it for FREE (using unofficial online Google Translate API) then display it as LIVE CAPTION / LIVE SUBTITL...
Created 2022-07-31
90 commits to main branch, last one 2 days ago
A python script COMMAND LINE utility to AUTO GENERATE SUBTITLE FILE (using free Google Speech Recognition API) and TRANSLATED SUBTITLE FILE (using unofficial online Google Translate API) for any video...
Created 2022-06-04
449 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
Lingva Translate integration for PotPlayer subtitles realtime translation
Created 2022-10-15
22 commits to main branch, last one 20 days ago