4 results found Sort:

Shape Tools creates geodesic shapes and includes a number of geodesic tools for QGIS including the XY to Line tool, geodesic densify tool, geodesic line break, geodesic measure tool, geodesic measurem...
Created 2016-06-03
275 commits to master branch, last one 6 months ago
SunKit is a Swift library which uses math and trigonometry to compute several information about the Sun.
Created 2022-08-02
89 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
QMC5883L Compass is a Arduino library for using QMC5583L series chip boards as a compass. Supports: - Getting values of XYZ axis. - Calculating Azimuth. - Getting 16 point Azimuth bearing direction ...
Created 2019-06-13
36 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Thaddeus Vincenty's Direct and Inverse formulae for geodesic calculations in Excel (distance, azimuth, latitude, longitude).
Created 2018-06-16
197 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago