10 results found Sort:

A list of backdoor learning resources
Created 2020-06-13
734 commits to master branch, last one 2 months ago
A curated list of papers & resources linked to data poisoning, backdoor attacks and defenses against them (no longer maintained)
Created 2023-03-15
43 commits to master branch, last one 2 months ago
A curated list of papers & resources on backdoor attacks and defenses in deep learning.
Created 2022-10-11
28 commits to main branch, last one 6 months ago
This is an implementation demo of the ICLR 2021 paper [Neural Attention Distillation: Erasing Backdoor Triggers from Deep Neural Networks](https://openreview.net/pdf?id=9l0K4OM-oXE) in PyTorch.
Created 2021-01-21
21 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago
BackdoorSim: An Educational into Remote Administration Tools
Created 2024-01-29
5 commits to main branch, last one 7 months ago
Codes for NeurIPS 2021 paper "Adversarial Neuron Pruning Purifies Backdoored Deep Models"
Created 2021-10-26
10 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
Official Implementation of ICLR 2022 paper, ``Adversarial Unlearning of Backdoors via Implicit Hypergradient''
Created 2021-10-07
17 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
Fast integration of backdoor attacks in machine learning and federated learning.
Created 2023-10-15
32 commits to main branch, last one 9 months ago
FLIP: A Provable Defense Framework for Backdoor Mitigation in Federated Learning [ICLR‘23, Best Paper Award at ECCV’22 AROW Workshop]
Created 2023-02-02
7 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
[ICLR2023] Distilling Cognitive Backdoor Patterns within an Image
Created 2023-01-23
18 commits to main branch, last one 2 months ago