5 results found Sort:

🥰🥰A free chat platform that encrypts conversation information throughout the process to protect your security and privacy. No information is collected from you and no permissions are required from y...
Created 2024-01-17
416 commits to edge-runtime branch, last one a day ago
Implementing Authentication in NodeJS With Express and JWT - CodeLab #1
Created 2019-12-21
5 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
Modern e-commerce built with best practices in mind. MERN stack, Redux Toolkit for state management, Material UI for a delightful UI, and RESTful APIs for seamless integration. Dive in and explore!
Created 2023-12-02
317 commits to main branch, last one 25 days ago
E-commerce web-application for selling clothing essentials 😀
Created 2021-12-28
147 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
An example REST API showcasing how to authenticate users with NodeJS, Express, and JWT
Created 2022-05-12
16 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago