7 results found Sort:

A vanilla JS customisable select box/text input plugin ⚡️
Created 2016-03-15
1,901 commits to main branch, last one 3 hours ago
Tom Select is a lightweight (~16kb gzipped) hybrid of a textbox and select box. Forked from selectize.js to provide a framework agnostic autocomplete widget with native-feeling keyboard navigation. Us...
Created 2020-08-13
2,122 commits to master branch, last one 18 days ago
Lite version of smart_select package, zero dependencies, an easy way to provide a single or multiple choice chips.
Created 2020-01-16
65 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
A library designed to generate cryptographically strong random numbers suitable for managing data such as passwords, account authentication, security tokens, and related secrets.
Created 2020-09-29
154 commits to master branch, last one 8 months ago
Python's Enum with extra powers to play nice with labels and choices fields.
Created 2017-08-23
147 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
A discord.js bot that assigns roles based on reactions to a message.
Created 2018-07-21
89 commits to stable branch, last one about a year ago