4 results found Sort:

Create chat bots for Facebook Messenger, Slack, Amazon Alexa, Skype, Telegram, Viber, Line, GroupMe, Kik and Twilio and deploy to AWS Lambda in minutes
Created 2016-06-01
525 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
FFmpeg/FFprobe AWS Lambda layer
Created 2018-12-25
8 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
Serverless raster and vector map tile generation using Mapnik and AWS Lambda
Created 2018-06-04
314 commits to develop branch, last one 5 years ago
Deploy your own secure API to estimate password strength and check haveibeenpwned for known matches - HTTPS by force, server not required, fire and brimstone sold separately 🔥
Created 2018-06-18
105 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago