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MurphySec plugin for JetBrains IDEs, identify and fix open source vulnerabilities in your project. 墨菲安全推出的一款 JetBrains IDE 插件,可以用来识别并修复项目中的开源组件漏洞
Created 2022-03-16
3 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago
GitHub Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Action: Scan Pull Requests for sensitive data, like credentials & secrets, PII, credit card numbers, and more.
Created 2020-07-15
37 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Codety Scanner is a comprehensive code scanner designed to detect code issues for 30+ programming languages and IaC frameworks. It embeds more than 6,000 code analysis rules and can detect code smells...
Created 2024-08-28
217 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago