12 results found Sort:

Implementation of basic ML algorithms from scratch in python...
Created 2019-03-11
36 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
I've demonstrated the working of the decision tree-based ID3 algorithm. Use an appropriate data set for building the decision tree and apply this knowledge to classify a new sample. All the steps have...
Created 2021-07-04
106 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago
A repository contains more than 12 common statistical machine learning algorithm implementations. 常见机器学习算法原理与实现
Created 2020-03-31
386 commits to master branch, last one 3 months ago
a chatbot based on sklearn where you can give a symptom and it will ask you questions and will tell you the details and give some advice.
Created 2020-05-22
11 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
Collection of various implementations and Codes in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Computer Vision ✨💥
Created 2019-10-25
89 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
AI & Machine Learning: Detection and Classification of Network Traffic Anomalies based on IoT23 Dataset
Created 2021-03-23
63 commits to main branch, last one 3 years ago
This project detects whether a news is fake or not using machine learning.
Created 2023-09-21
29 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago