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Voice stress analysis (VSA) aims to differentiate between stressed and non-stressed outputs in response to stimuli (e.g., questions posed), with high stress seen as an indication of deception. In this...
Created 2020-11-09
12 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago
Detecting Anxiety and Depression using facial emotion recognition and speech emotion recognition. Written in pythonPython
Created 2021-05-19
9 commits to main branch, last one 3 years ago
Official source code for the paper: "It’s Just a Matter of Time: Detecting Depression with Time-Enriched Multimodal Transformers"
Created 2022-12-30
22 commits to master branch, last one 8 months ago
Official source code for the paper: "Reading Between the Frames Multi-Modal Non-Verbal Depression Detection in Videos"
Created 2023-07-10
14 commits to master branch, last one 4 months ago