5 results found Sort:

Drag-n-Drop Email Editor Component for React.js
Created 2017-10-01
185 commits to master branch, last one 22 days ago
Easy Email Editor is a feature-rich, top open-source SaaS email editor based on React and MJML.
Created 2021-03-26
826 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
This repository shows an example how developers can use Paperbits to build web apps with rich content authoring capabilities.
Created 2016-06-29
815 commits to master branch, last one 2 months ago
Email Editor to embed in your SaaS application. Fully customizable and lightweight.
Created 2021-11-25
42 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago
LePatron is an opensource email builder allowing to industrialize your email template production. Build tailor made email templates and make them available to your non-technical users.
Created 2021-01-11
1,602 commits to develop branch, last one 10 days ago