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The ultimate NextJS Ethereum Dapp Boilerplate which gives you maximum flexibility and speed. Feel free to fork and contribute. Although this repo is called "Ethereum Boilerplate" it works with any EVM...
Created 2021-10-14
157 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
Lightweight reusable Web3 UI components for dapps.
Created 2021-12-29
2,326 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Clean Web3 Dapp starter template using the latest stack out there: Typescript ^5, react ^18 (including react-scrits ^5), and @web3-react/core v8. Enjoy!
Created 2022-07-30
69 commits to main branch, last one 6 months ago
Nextjs web3 boilerplate built on Viem, Wagmi, Rainbowkit and Chakra UI. The perfect starting point for your next web3 project.
Created 2023-10-16
25 commits to main branch, last one 7 months ago