Statistics for topic expo
RepositoryStats tracks 603,442 Github repositories, of these 409 are tagged with the expo topic. The most common primary language for repositories using this topic is TypeScript (265). Other languages include: JavaScript (114)
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An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
Build a full-stack Real Estate app from scratch with Google Authentication, dynamic routing, and more. Master essential skills for scalable and clean React Native development.
Infinite Red's battle-tested React Native project boilerplate, along with a CLI, component/model generators, and more! 9 years of continuous development and counting.
Build a full-stack Real Estate app from scratch with Google Authentication, dynamic routing, and more. Master essential skills for scalable and clean React Native development.
Architectures, methods and much more that We use while developing mobile applications
Dhaaga - An indie SNS app that blends sleek design 💅, useful features ✨ and fun ways to discover and connect 🎉
This starter template combines an ASP.NET API 🖥️ with a Next.js (React) web application 🌐 and an Expo (React Native) mobile app 📱 to provide a solid foundation for building full-stack applications ...
An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
Universal shadcn/ui for React Native featuring a focused collection of components - Crafted with NativeWind v4 and accessibility in mind.
📱 A template for your next React Native project: Expo, PNPM, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Husky, EAS, GitHub Actions, Env Vars, expo-router, react-query, react-hook-form.
Build a full-stack Real Estate app from scratch with Google Authentication, dynamic routing, and more. Master essential skills for scalable and clean React Native development.
The internet's most popular open-source dating app's frontend
🎨 A lightweight, customizable animated bottom tabs navigator for React Native.
Build a full-stack Real Estate app from scratch with Google Authentication, dynamic routing, and more. Master essential skills for scalable and clean React Native development.
Une alternative open source aux applis de vie scolaire. L'allié de tous les étudiants. Le futur de l'éducation numérique libre et ouverte.
Build a full-stack Real Estate app from scratch with Google Authentication, dynamic routing, and more. Master essential skills for scalable and clean React Native development.
🎨 A lightweight, customizable animated bottom tabs navigator for React Native.
An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
Universal shadcn/ui for React Native featuring a focused collection of components - Crafted with NativeWind v4 and accessibility in mind.
Build a full-stack Real Estate app from scratch with Google Authentication, dynamic routing, and more. Master essential skills for scalable and clean React Native development.
📱 A template for your next React Native project: Expo, PNPM, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Husky, EAS, GitHub Actions, Env Vars, expo-router, react-query, react-hook-form.
Build a full-stack Real Estate app from scratch with Google Authentication, dynamic routing, and more. Master essential skills for scalable and clean React Native development.
The internet's most popular open-source dating app's frontend
Une alternative open source aux applis de vie scolaire. L'allié de tous les étudiants. Le futur de l'éducation numérique libre et ouverte.
Run local LLM from Huggingface in React-Native or Expo using onnxruntime.
VSCode/Cursor extension that turns your editor into a full featured IDE for React Native and Expo.
This is a complete App developed by React Native (Expo). It is a beautiful e-commerce shopping application. 这个是一个React Native(Expo) 开发的完整App应用,是一个精美的电商购物应用。
Carefully crafted components that strive for a native look & feel. The perfect starting point for those that need to ship fast, and look good while doing it.
📱 A template for your local-first Expo project: Bun, Expo 51, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, DrizzleORM, Sqlite, EAS, GitHub Actions, Env Vars, expo-router, react-hook-form.
An open-source framework for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
Universal shadcn/ui for React Native featuring a focused collection of components - Crafted with NativeWind v4 and accessibility in mind.
Infinite Red's battle-tested React Native project boilerplate, along with a CLI, component/model generators, and more! 9 years of continuous development and counting.
📱 A template for your next React Native project: Expo, PNPM, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Husky, EAS, GitHub Actions, Env Vars, expo-router, react-query, react-hook-form.
Build a full-stack Real Estate app from scratch with Google Authentication, dynamic routing, and more. Master essential skills for scalable and clean React Native development.
Everything you need to become a React Native MONSTER 💛
The internet's most popular open-source dating app's frontend