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LightMirrors is a lightweight mirror server with caching capabilities that currently supports DockerHub, K8S, PyPI, PyTorch, and NPM.
Created 2024-02-24
36 commits to master branch, last one 2 months ago
🚢 Docker images and utilities to power your Python APIs and help you ship faster. With support for Uvicorn, Gunicorn, Starlette, and FastAPI.
Created 2020-08-01
827 commits to develop branch, last one a day ago
Generate ghcr.io (GitHub Container Registory) container's status badge
Created 2022-05-12
455 commits to master branch, last one a day ago
Endpoint behind badges for GitHub Packages
Created 2024-06-08
2,320 commits to master branch, last one 9 hours ago