Statistics for topic java
RepositoryStats tracks 595,858 Github repositories, of these 7,759 are tagged with the java topic. The most common primary language for repositories using this topic is Java (5,643). Other languages include: Kotlin (390), JavaScript (226), C++ (159), HTML (133), Python (116), TypeScript (91), Shell (88), C (65), Scala (50)
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#1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
:zap: Workflow Automation Platform. Orchestrate & Schedule code in any language, run anywhere, 500+ plugins. Alternative to Zapier, Rundeck, Camunda, Airflow...
《代码随想录》LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
Ruta de estudio basada en ejercicios de código semanales en 2024 de la comunidad MoureDev para aprender y practicar lógica usando cualquier lenguaje de programación.
Java SDK for the Model Context Protocol (MCP), providing seamless integration between Java and Spring applications and MCP-compliant AI models and tools.
Path Graph is a library with all the tools necessary to create and work both path and walk graphs in a stable and simple way.
编程导航的新项目,基于 Vue 3 + Spring Boot + COS + WebSocket 的企业级智能协同云图库平台。项目应用场景广泛,可作为表情包网站、设计素材网站、壁纸网站、个人云盘、企业活动相册等。用户可以在平台公开上传和检索图片素材;管理员可以上传、审核和管理分析图片;个人用户可将图片上传至私有空间进行批量管理、检索、编辑和分析;企业可开通团队空间并邀请成员,共享图片并实时协同编...
A Java library for the "Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT)" specification.
#1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
The most widely used, high performance Minecraft server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies
:zap: Workflow Automation Platform. Orchestrate & Schedule code in any language, run anywhere, 500+ plugins. Alternative to Zapier, Rundeck, Camunda, Airflow...
《代码随想录》LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀
Java SDK for the Model Context Protocol (MCP), providing seamless integration between Java and Spring applications and MCP-compliant AI models and tools.
编程导航的新项目,基于 Vue 3 + Spring Boot + COS + WebSocket 的企业级智能协同云图库平台。项目应用场景广泛,可作为表情包网站、设计素材网站、壁纸网站、个人云盘、企业活动相册等。用户可以在平台公开上传和检索图片素材;管理员可以上传、审核和管理分析图片;个人用户可将图片上传至私有空间进行批量管理、检索、编辑和分析;企业可开通团队空间并邀请成员,共享图片并实时协同编...
编程导航的新项目,基于 Vue 3 + Spring Boot + COS + WebSocket 的企业级智能协同云图库平台。项目应用场景广泛,可作为表情包网站、设计素材网站、壁纸网站、个人云盘、企业活动相册等。用户可以在平台公开上传和检索图片素材;管理员可以上传、审核和管理分析图片;个人用户可将图片上传至私有空间进行批量管理、检索、编辑和分析;企业可开通团队空间并邀请成员,共享图片并实时协同编...
Java SDK for the Model Context Protocol (MCP), providing seamless integration between Java and Spring applications and MCP-compliant AI models and tools.
:zap: Workflow Automation Platform. Orchestrate & Schedule code in any language, run anywhere, 500+ plugins. Alternative to Zapier, Rundeck, Camunda, Airflow...
#1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
Logstash - transport and process your logs, events, or other data
Java SDK for the Model Context Protocol (MCP), providing seamless integration between Java and Spring applications and MCP-compliant AI models and tools.
Web 版 Java Payload 生成与利用工具,提供 Java 反序列化、Hessian 1/2 反序列化等Payload生成,以及 JNDI、Fake Mysql、JRMPListener 等利用|The web version of Java Payload generation and utilization tool provides Payload generation such ...
BizSpring Java商城首选,可商用;Vue3,Element UI Plus,Uniapp,微服务,SpringCloud,跨境电商,跨境商城,电商国际化,外贸,独立站,多国语言,移动商城,小程序商城,H5商城,公众号商城,App,Redis,支持多语言,多规格SKU,分销,拼团,砍价,秒杀,优惠券,积分,会员等级,小程序前后端分离,方便二开,Markdown在线文档,代码生成,二开文档...
BSN is a social network platform to exchange books between the members.
#1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
Conductor is an event driven orchestration platform
A configuration as code language with rich validation and tooling.
:zap: Workflow Automation Platform. Orchestrate & Schedule code in any language, run anywhere, 500+ plugins. Alternative to Zapier, Rundeck, Camunda, Airflow...
Ruta de estudio basada en ejercicios de código semanales en 2024 de la comunidad MoureDev para aprender y practicar lógica usando cualquier lenguaje de programación.
鱼皮的 24 年新项目,基于 Java + Etcd + Vert.x 的高性能 RPC 框架,用新颖的技术栈从 0 到 1 带大家开发轮子。教程由浅入深,可以学习并实践基于 Vert.x 的网络服务器、序列化器、基于 Etcd 和 ZooKeeper 的注册中心、反射、动态代理、自定义网络协议、多种设计模式(单例 / 工厂 / 装饰者等)、负载均衡器设计、重试和容错机制、Spring Boot ...
XIAOJUSURVEY is an enterprises form builder and analytics platform that allows users to create questionnaires, exams, polls, quizzes, and analyze data online.