4 results found Sort:

⚡️Comic reader app 📘 Learning MVVM / MVI with :cyclone: RxKotlin, Retrofit, Kotlinx Coroutine, Work Manager, Room, Firebase, AndroidX Startup, Clean Architecture, Arrow.Kt Functional Programming ... ...
Created 2019-02-16
438 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
A beautiful client for YTS website which also provides built-in torrent & subtitles downloader with Chromecast support.
Created 2020-03-20
261 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
🌸[Functional reactive programming (FRP)] 🍁Simple Android weather forecast application written in Kotlin, using RxKotlin, Retrofit2, Mosby, Room Persistence ❄️MVI Pattern with Mosby Library
Created 2018-08-25
151 commits to try_mvi branch, last one 3 months ago
This example shows how to set notification for a specific date and time with WorkManager
Created 2019-05-27
16 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago