8 results found Sort:

Real world application built with Angular 18, NgRx 18, nrwl/nx 18
Created 2018-01-21
646 commits to main branch, last one a day ago
🍈 Nx plugin to use Go in a Nx Workspace
Created 2020-07-25
116 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
A GitHub Action to wrap Nrwl Nx commands in your workflows.
Created 2020-09-02
641 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
Build custom caching for @nrwl/nx in a few lines of code
Created 2021-04-30
95 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
@nrwl/nx plugin adding support for Rust.
Created 2021-07-06
64 commits to main branch, last one 4 months ago
Angular demo app using Nx build system, esbuild, @ngrx/signals, Angular Material, Angular PWA, Tailwind CSS, and .NET 8.0 + Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices.Extensions
Created 2017-12-30
594 commits to main branch, last one 15 hours ago
Remote caching for @nrwl/nx using Azure Blob Storage
Created 2021-04-30
64 commits to main branch, last one 4 months ago
A Nx plugin that scans projects using SonarQube / SonarCloud.
Created 2022-08-02
190 commits to main branch, last one 4 months ago