5 results found Sort:

NestJS, Angular 6, Server Side Rendering (Angular Universal), GraphQL, JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and Facebook/Twitter/Google Authentication, Mongoose, MongoDB, Webpack, TypeScript
Created 2018-01-14
150 commits to master branch, last one 6 years ago
CoderDost MERN Stack E-commerce Project - Backend Repository
Created 2023-06-03
26 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
:fire: TypeORM - Express - Angular 8 - NestJS Server Side Rendering (SSR) :smiley_cat:
Created 2019-08-17
34 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Build an authentication system using Node.js, Express, and Passport.js
Created 2019-10-03
30 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
This is a minimalist express boilerplate with ECMA features enabled, MongoDB configured and ready to be multi-stage dockerized
Created 2021-05-21
118 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago