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EzyShop is a user-friendly platform that connects you to local stores, offering a seamless shopping experience. Compare prices, access exclusive deals, and enjoy hassle-free deliveries for groceries, ...
Created 2024-09-26
859 commits to main branch, last one about a month ago
flipkart-clone using react js express js mongo db razorpay complete e-commerce website using MERN stack client server MVC architecture redux redux-thunk ecomerce project live example
Created 2021-11-01
10 commits to main branch, last one 3 years ago
Developed a MERN-based e-commerce website with secure payment gateways and real-time inventory management. Created an intuitive admin dashboard for streamlined product management. Collaborated cross-...
Created 2023-08-04
7 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
This Learning Management System (LMS) is a full-stack web application developed using the MERN stack.
Created 2023-11-11
65 commits to main branch, last one 20 days ago