6 results found Sort:

React JS Clean architecture: A boilerplate that makes it easy and intuitive to implement Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture in React JS. This boilerplate provides basic project structure that are designed...
Created 2020-03-08
82 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Truthy CMS's Frontend application written in ReactJS & Redux Saga. This project includes UI implementation of User Management, Role Management, Permission Management, Email Module, Account Settings, O...
Created 2021-04-11
100 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
Starter template for building a project using React, Typescript, Next.js, Jest, TailwindCSS and ESLint.
Created 2019-12-29
86 commits to master branch, last one 10 months ago
Starter template for building a project using React, Typescript, Next.js, Jest, ChakraUI and ESLint.
Created 2020-11-28
31 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
Reactjs setup with babel, webpack with basic loaders, ant design, react-router and optimized for production using code splitting and lazy loading.
Created 2019-09-22
23 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago