5 results found Sort:

Distributed tracing for Spring Boot, Cloud and other Spring projects
Created 2017-07-11
261 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
A library for logging HTTP request/response for Spring Boot application and integration with Elastic Stack
Created 2019-04-30
234 commits to master branch, last one a day ago
OpenTracing Spring Web instrumentation
Created 2017-01-12
164 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
Spring boot microservice example with Eureka Server + Eureka Client + Spring Cloud API Gateway + OAuth2.0 + Circuit Breaker + Resilience4J + FeignClient + RestTemplate
Created 2021-05-08
32 commits to main branch, last one 3 years ago
collapse executor 是一个高性能、低延迟的批量合并执行器,可有效支持高并发的热点请求,支持与Spring Boot集成,帮助开发者快速构建高性能的微服务,提高服务资源利用率的同时降低服务响应时间。涉及技术点包括CompletableFuture、Spring Boot、WebClient、Servlet Async等主流技术栈
Created 2023-05-16
124 commits to main branch, last one 7 months ago