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A list of companies, case studies, and videos that help you implement transparent and open salary policy.
Created 2020-08-21
39 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Kalkulator finansowy jest podręcznym, bezpłatnym programem, dzięki któremu w łatwy sposób wyliczysz wszystkie składowe wynagrodzenia przy różnych formach zatrudnienia. Kalkulator zawiera zestawienia p...
Created 2020-11-25
307 commits to master branch, last one 9 months ago
Equivalent salary converter using PPP
Created 2021-10-14
26 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago
The Laravel Payroll System gives you a huge head start on any web application of any sort. It comes with a full-featured access control system that is simple to use right out of the box. I put a lot o...
Created 2021-04-14
10 commits to main branch, last one 10 months ago
Free WordPress Plugin: This free salary calculator easily switches between hourly, bi-weekly, monthly, and yearly pay. Holidays and vacation days need special consideration and adjustments. www.calcul...
Created 2023-06-10
24 commits to master branch, last one 7 months ago