Statistics for topic shell
RepositoryStats tracks 566,958 Github repositories, of these 1,397 are tagged with the shell topic. The most common primary language for repositories using this topic is Shell (627). Other languages include: Python (159), Go (93), JavaScript (75), C (68), Rust (54), TypeScript (31), Java (26), C++ (23), Lua (23)
Stargazers over time for topic shell
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Trending repositories for topic shell (view more)
🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python...
Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
REPL (interactive shell) for Dart, supporting 3rd party packages, hot reload, and full grammar
A collection of BASH scripts that might benefit all *nix users
🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python...
Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
// Aesthetic, dynamic and minimal dots for Arch hyprland
REPL (interactive shell) for Dart, supporting 3rd party packages, hot reload, and full grammar
Detailed information about my projects and exams made at 42 Porto, during Common Core.
oeasy教您玩转linux教程。从命令行零基础 入门。逐个介绍LINUX查看系统版本、常用命令、基础知识、涵盖多种命令与原理。带您玩转linux的世界。😄
北邮北京邮电大学校园网网关自动化认证脚本。支持有线网和无线网。支持带参数 Portal 认证、AC 跳转、掉线重连。跨平台。 BUPT Network Login.
Source code for the game Tux-vs-Mutant-Window made in Bash
🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python...
Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
// Aesthetic, dynamic and minimal dots for Arch hyprland
A shell-like interface for the web written entirely in HTML, CSS and JavaScript (ES6).
Source code for the game Tux-vs-Mutant-Window made in Bash
REPL (interactive shell) for Dart, supporting 3rd party packages, hot reload, and full grammar
SSH-Snake is a self-propagating, self-replicating, file-less script that automates the post-exploitation task of SSH private key and host discovery.
Xeno-RAT is an open-source remote access tool (RAT) developed in C#, providing a comprehensive set of features for remote system management. Has features such as HVNC, live microphone, reverse proxy, ...
✨ Elevate your GitHub Profile ReadMe with Minimalistic Retro Terminal GIFs 🚀
🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python...
Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
SSH-Snake is a self-propagating, self-replicating, file-less script that automates the post-exploitation task of SSH private key and host discovery.
From anywhere you can type, query and stream the output of an LLM or any other script