44 results found Sort:

🎨🖌 Modern Sublime Text theme
Created 2016-09-15
123 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Cutting edge Python syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, Atom and Visual Studio Code. Used by GitHub to highlight your Python code!
Created 2015-10-09
432 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Dash integration for Sublime Text
Created 2012-06-27
85 commits to master branch, last one 5 years ago
📝 Collection of plugins for Frontend Web Development
This repository has been archived (exclude archived)
Created 2017-04-06
59 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
Fuzzy abbreviations, support for preprocessors (Sass, Less, Stylus) and a lot of other features in easily configurable set of tools for writing CSS faster
Created 2011-11-16
709 commits to master branch, last one 5 years ago
Extend Sublime autocompletion to find matches in all open files of the current window
Created 2012-05-19
32 commits to master branch, last one 5 years ago
i3 + Plasma: using the i3 window manager on the top of KDE Plasma and other dotfiles, configurations, scripts, workarounds and practises from my Debian Sid machines.
Created 2017-01-31
198 commits to master branch, last one 7 months ago
Repository for Wallaby.js questions and issues
Created 2014-11-24
195 commits to master branch, last one 18 days ago
Seti_UI Port for ST3.
Created 2014-08-25
418 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
JavaScript Enhancements is a plugin for Sublime Text 3. It offers not only a smart javascript autocomplete but also a lot of features about creating, developing and managing javascript projects (real-...
Created 2017-04-10
344 commits to master branch, last one 6 years ago
:boom: Robust C/C++ code completion for Sublime Text 3/4
Created 2016-03-11
1,124 commits to master branch, last one 3 months ago
A SublimeText3 package featuring ID based wiki style links, and #tags, intended for zettelkasten method users. Loaded with tons of features like inline image display, sophisticated tag search, note tr...
Created 2017-10-28
308 commits to master branch, last one 6 years ago
Tools for competitive programming for Sublime Text 3 & 4
Created 2015-12-30
204 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
SublimeText3 plugin which generate a table of contents (TOC) in a markdown document.
Created 2013-04-04
790 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
🎨 Sublime Text themes & color schemes with pastel 'retro groove' colors
Created 2016-02-19
546 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to allow creating any kind of project from your own custom templates
Created 2012-05-20
131 commits to master branch, last one 5 years ago
Quickly find all lines matching a string or regular expression
Created 2013-04-06
104 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
.bashrc file, terminal prompt that shows current git branch, Arduino setup, Eclipse setup, git diff with line numbers, helpful scripts, improved Linux productivity, etc.
Created 2020-01-06
1,042 commits to master branch, last one 22 days ago
The most complete CSS support for Sublime Text
Created 2014-07-14
678 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
Zeal for Sublime Text 2/3
Created 2014-02-06
57 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
A colorful bright-on-black color scheme for Sublime Text. Its aim is to make as many languages as possible look as good as possible. Includes extended support for Python, Ruby, Clojure, JavaScript/JSO...
Created 2013-01-10
285 commits to sublime-color-scheme branch, last one 2 years ago
Convert any Visual Studio Code Theme to Sublime Text 3 or IntelliJ IDEA
Created 2019-02-02
55 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
WSL proxy files for editor/linux interop
Created 2017-08-06
34 commits to master branch, last one 5 years ago
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Sublime Text theme.
Created 2017-11-03
14 commits to develop branch, last one about a year ago
Sublime Text plugin that shows selected text on remote GitHub or Bitbucket repo
Created 2011-08-23
120 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
📄 Discord rich presence for Sublime Text
Created 2017-12-10
118 commits to master branch, last one 6 months ago
🚀 A Sublime Text Plugin for Carbon. (https://carbon.now.sh)
Created 2018-02-08
59 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
⚡️ A Sublime Text 3 package to help with file (duplicate, move, create...) ⚡️
Created 2016-10-11
248 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Kite Autocomplete Plugin for Sublime Text: Featuring AI-powered autocompletions, advanced function signatures, and instant documentation
Created 2018-07-13
451 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
The best Python language definition for Sublime Text - ever. Includes full support for Unicode, as well as both Python 2 and Python 3 syntax. Check out the Neon Color Scheme for highlighting.
Created 2013-05-11
247 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago