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Load tensorboard event logs as pandas DataFrames for scientific plotting; Supports both PyTorch and TensorFlow
Created 2021-09-03
116 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
对豆瓣影评进行文本分类情感分析,利用爬虫豆瓣爬取评论,进行数据清洗,分词,采用BERT、CNN、LSTM等模型进行训练,采用tensorboardX可视化训练过程,自然语言处理项目\A project for text classification, based on torch 1.7.1
Created 2021-04-08
44 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
A plugin for TensorBoard to customize and export Scalar plots
Created 2022-12-16
29 commits to main branch, last one 11 months ago