11 results found Sort:

💠 Speed up your Webpack with esbuild ⚡️
Created 2020-05-09
353 commits to master branch, last one 2 months ago
Terser Plugin
Created 2018-07-31
371 commits to master branch, last one 2 months ago
Light Node.js module that compress javascript, css and html files
Created 2011-06-02
4,210 commits to develop branch, last one 22 hours ago
🗜️ Compress —
Created 2022-05-08
3,931 commits to Current branch, last one 17 hours ago
actively maintained fork of html-minifier - minify HTML, CSS and JS code using terser - supports ES6 code
Created 2019-11-02
1,499 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
The bundling and minification toolset, made for Deno
This repository has been archived (exclude archived)
Created 2020-07-27
67 commits to main branch, last one 3 years ago
Command to run uglifyjs / terser on a folder and minify the result in a single file or a new folder.
Created 2014-01-05
64 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Simple boilerplate for building Vue app with Electron and Webpack.
Created 2018-03-17
117 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
Transform TypeScript `const` enums
Created 2019-07-07
131 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
An open-source CI/CD automation tool based on :octocat: GitHub Actions that pulls all the JavaScript and CSS files from your base branch, minify them and creates a pull-request with a new branch.
Created 2020-09-06
29 commits to main branch, last one 4 years ago
Advanced template for Electron apps with Svelte and Typescript.
Created 2020-12-31
31 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago