4 results found Sort:

Clusters and elements to attach to MISP events or attributes (like threat actors)
Created 2016-02-27
4,197 commits to main branch, last one a day ago
CTI Blueprints is a free suite of templates and tools that helps Cyber Threat Intelligence analysts create high-quality, actionable reports more consistently and efficiently.
Created 2022-11-01
76 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
The Threat Actor Profile Guide for CTI Analysts
Created 2023-07-13
14 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
A simple ReST server to lookup threat actors (by name, synonym or UUID) and returning the corresponding MISP galaxy information about the known threat actors.
Created 2020-01-06
48 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago