3 results found Sort:

android 进入/转场动画,入场动画效果合集,自定义view实现动画,百叶窗,擦除,盒状,阶梯,菱形效果,轮子,劈裂,棋盘,切入,扇形展开,十字扩展,随机线条,向内溶解,圆形扩展效果,适用于任何view和viewgroup,activity即用于页面根部viewgroup,自定义viewgroup自动换行layout,看效果图 Series of entrance animation ef...
Created 2017-04-05
43 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Create OpenSCAD primitives with 45° chamfers
Created 2016-01-30
49 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Use a Raspberry Pi as fast mass storage solution for your Commodore 8-bit computer using just the datassette port.
Created 2018-01-13
1,163 commits to master branch, last one 4 months ago