8 results found Sort:

Lucid & Futuristic Production Boilerplates For Frontend(Web) Apps, React/RN/Vue, with TypeScript(Optional), Webpack 4/Parcel, MobX/Redux :dizzy: 多技术栈前端项目模板
Created 2016-01-03
190 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Boilerplate for Your Server Side(Backend) Application, Java | Spring(Boot, Cloud) | Node.js(Express, Koa, Egg) | Go | Python | DevOps 💫 服务端项目模板
Created 2016-06-05
98 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
整合了 google-model-viewer/WebGL/Three.js/WASM 等一系列 3D 模型(STL/OBJ/GLTF/PLY/STEP/X_T)预览工具,便捷地进行模型预览、生成截图、计算拓扑信息。支持 Blender 进行模型压缩优化,提供了基于 Web 的简单 CAD 在线排版操作。
Created 2020-03-10
179 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Xenomorph Crawler, a Concise, Declarative and Observable Distributed Crawler(Node / Go / Java / Rust) For Web, RDB, OS, also can act as a Monitor(with Prometheus) or ETL for Infrastructure :dizzy: 多语言...
Created 2017-04-21
59 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Online web annotation tools & whiteboard(both live, playback, and collaborative mode) for real-time visual collaboration, in business and education. | 在线电子白板,你画我猜,图片编辑,网页注解
Created 2019-07-25
20 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
Code Snippets, DataStructure, Algorithm and DesignPattern Implementations/Solutions for Several Programming Language: Java, JavaScript, Go, Python, Rust, etc. :dizzy: 多语言版本的数据架构与算法,设计模式,常用代码片等实现。
Created 2018-02-03
73 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
[OOP, Concurrency, I/O, FP] Design Pattern Implementations for Several Programming Language: Java, JavaScript, Go, Python, Rust, etc. :dizzy: 多语言版本的设计模式,面向对象的设计模式、函数式编程模式、并发设计模式、I/O 设计模式等实现。
Created 2018-09-19
45 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
Ultimate Progressive and Freewheeling Web Library, Inspired by React and Vue, for Micro Frontend and Interactive Web Apps Building | 渐进式,多调和策略,多渲染终端的乐高式微前端框架,以及可复用的多框架碎片化组件
Created 2017-07-20
99 commits to master branch, last one 5 years ago