4 results found Sort:

A pure Typescript/Javascript implementation of XAdES based on XMLDSIGjs. (Keywords: WebCrypto, XMLDSIG, XADES, eIDAS, Trust List, X.509, CRL, OCSP)
Created 2016-03-23
366 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Python XML Signature and XAdES library
Created 2014-09-03
628 commits to develop branch, last one 2 days ago
Libdigidocpp library offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed documents, according to XAdES and XML-DSIG standards. Documentation http://open-eid.github.io/libdigidocpp
Created 2014-10-29
737 commits to master branch, last one about a month ago
Sign XML Documents with Digital Signatures
Created 2018-08-01
116 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago