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基于零宽字符和摩斯电码的隐藏文本加密 || Text hiding encryption、Morse code encryption、zero-width character encryption
Created 2018-10-29
74 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
既适合程序员,也适合中文电子文字整编人员(in beta)。汉字繁、简、异、兼、笔、变等关联关系可视化。非寻常汉字字符、同形字符攻击、不可打印字符等检视工具。结合OpenCC、Unicode等数据 | Chinese characters relations or vatiants (simplified, traditional etc) visualization. Potential Uni...
Created 2021-08-13
242 commits to main branch, last one 6 months ago
A project named "STEGANOGRAPHY TOOLS " that provide 4 types of Steganography { Image, Text, Audio, Video } that hides User's Text message in the desired cover file using the tool and can send it to t...
Created 2022-02-07
10 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago