19 results found Sort:

A boilerplate project for Flutter using RiverPod, Dio, go_router, Freezed and generated with very_good_cli
Created 2019-05-21
104 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
A guide aiming to bridge the gap between the absolute Flutter basics and clean, structured Flutter Development
Created 2019-11-19
512 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
[Flutter SDK V.1] - 🎬 MovieApp is a Flutter application built to demonstrate the use of modern development tools with best practices implementation like Modularization, BLoC, Dependency Injection, D...
Created 2020-03-21
178 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
❤️ [active] 🌰[bloc_pattern] [rxdart] [stream] 🍄 simple auth app flutter, server node.js, bloc pattern, rxdart 🍁🍁 functionalities: login, register, change password, change avatar, forgot password. ...
Created 2019-02-02
222 commits to master branch, last one 29 days ago
An all-in-one Fllutter package for state management, reactive objects, animations, effects, timed widgets etc.
Created 2019-01-19
70 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
🔥 [FUNCTIONAL & REACTIVE PROGRAMMING (FRP)] ❄️[Pure RxDart] Paging ListView flutter 🌸 Load more flutter listview 🌱 Endless scrolling flutter 👏 Flutter infinite list - BLoC pattern - rxdart - react...
Created 2018-06-27
128 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
👘 [FUNCTIONAL REACTIVE PROGRAMMING].💎 The main purpose of repository is learning. 📘 A FLUTTER app help student find room 🏠 Using BLoC pattern with RxDart library, firebase as backend, .... Star 🌟...
Created 2018-12-09
136 commits to master branch, last one 2 years ago
Flutter ecommerce built with clean architecture and bloc state management.
Created 2023-11-13
142 commits to master branch, last one 4 months ago
❄️[Functional reactive programming (FRP)] :zap: Flutter search book using bloc pattern, rxdart 🌺 Star if it is helpful 🌺
Created 2018-06-25
62 commits to master branch, last one 4 years ago
Cloudmate - An open-source online learning platform built with Flutter. Create classes, quizzes, and assignments, take attendance, and communicate with students. Easy to install and use. :wave:
Created 2021-08-22
222 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
[Functional reactive programming (FRP)]💧 💧 💧 [Pure RxDart] Validation login form by using the BLoC pattern with RxDart - A new Flutter project featuring a faked authentication interface to demonstr...
Created 2018-07-04
24 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
📜 Nile Gift is a Flutter app that shows you ancient Egypt’s timeline, characters, monuments and media. ( Clean Architecture + Bloc Pattern + Hive + GetIt + Injectable + Unit Testing )
Created 2019-09-26
80 commits to main branch, last one about a year ago
🕌 Quran App is a Flutter application built to demonstrate the use of modern development tools with best practices implementation like Modularization, BLoC, Dependency Injection, Dio, Audio, Sqlite, S...
Created 2022-11-29
15 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago
VietNam-Covid-19-News App create by Flutter & BloC 8.0. Toàn cảnh thông tin về Covid ở Việt Nam, bao gồm các Thống kê, Số liệu, Phân tích.
Created 2021-11-27
34 commits to main branch, last one 2 years ago
Task Management App with Moor Database and Flutter Bloc Pattern and State Management
Created 2021-05-11
107 commits to master branch, last one 3 years ago
🚀🚀🚀ㅤFlutter Instagram using NodeJS server, MongoDB & Firebase database with some similar functions. Insta UI features sign-in, newsfeed, story, explore, activities, profile...
Created 2021-02-25
12 commits to develop branch, last one 3 years ago
BLoC pattern for react.
Created 2021-04-18
387 commits to v1 branch, last one 3 months ago
An app built using Flutter that consumes RAWG API to display current games, upcoming and popular video games 🎮and characters 🎃. It has been built following Clean Architecture Principle, Repository P...
Created 2023-02-24
214 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago