2 results found Sort:

❤️ [ACTIVE] 🌰🌰 [BLOC_PATTERN] [RXDART] [STREAM] 🍄🍄 Simple auth app flutter, server node.js, BLoC pattern, RxDart 🍁🍁 Functionalities: LOGIN, REGISTER, CHANGE PASSWORD, CHANGE AVATAR, FORGOT PASSW...
Created 2019-02-02
205 commits to master branch, last one 8 months ago
👘 [FUNCTIONAL REACTIVE PROGRAMMING].💎 The main purpose of repository is learning. 📘 A FLUTTER app help student find room 🏠 Using BLoC pattern with RxDart library, firebase as backend, .... Star 🌟...
Created 2018-12-09
136 commits to master branch, last one about a year ago